
First Blood part two, Commando, Death Wish 3, Gymkata, Invasion USA. I think I can say, without hyperbole, that 1985 wasn't just the greatest year for action movies - it was the greatest year ever!

This made me laugh. Thanks.

The "I need my pain' line was Shatner's crowning achievement. A perfect, truthful line from a mediocre movie.

God, I couldn't agree more. To paraphrase Dr. John Watson: "A well played lens flare is a gift from the gods. A poorly played oneā€¦" (shrugs). Lens flares are like whip pans and rack focuses: best used in small doses.

(leans in and whispers conspiratorially) "Too much LDS in the Sixties."

Doesn't Khan say something about Kirk telling Chekov stories about their encounter? And perhaps Chekov was a lower tier member of the crew at the time who interacted with Khan off-camera?

"I cried more than I had ever cried in my life." - What a pussy!

Off topic, but this brings up something I've wondered about for years: why are musicians more successful at becoming actors than actors are at becoming musicians? Is it that music is a much more disciplined craft that requires real talent and hard work?

Let me guess, it's going to be Neo-Nazi's that attack D. C.

Why would there be blood? I'm not preparing to have sex with her.

I just saw a billboard for "Vaginal Rejuvenation." Is that done digitally?

You missed the real story here: Why is it you can only get Cinnamon Fierce Hot Tamales anymore? It's too much I tells ya. Bring back the original!

I think after a little time I'll grow fonder of this episode, but it did seem weirdly out of place with last season. Where WAS Vasquez?

That's him. He's a terrifying looking guy.

"White Light" is as good an episode of TV as there is. Everyone remembers that one episode from their favorite show that really seems to hit on all cylinders. For Z Nation, it's that one.

Stan Lee biopic starring the Trivago spokesman as Stan Lee = box office gold!

It's part of the current narrative that this type of scenario is right wing fantasy, but there are plenty of places in the world where something very similar is happening right now.

I hated that they made Arnold a good guy in T2, and was happy they walked that back some in T3.

She gave King Kong a heart transplant. That takes years of study.

This. I talk about this all the time. The cg in Starship Troopers beats most anything I've seen in the last five years.