
The episode where Mel Torme and others thought he was mentally challenged was a textbook example of how to take the clumsiness bit and turn it into something far more sublime.

You obviously did not have access to a Jack In The Box Sourdough Jack.

Another one taken too young. Damn you, 2016!

Don't be silly. Drugs don't work on a robot!

If only they had decided to follow their dreams of opening a restaurant - with "sexy' results - this might have become a hit.

In the 1950's, they could have just commissioned Hollywood to make a movie called "The O.J. Story," which would illustrate the history of juice made from oranges, starring Jimmy Stewart and Maureen O'Hara. It was a simpler time.

But what if you fall, and can't get up?!

Did Tommy die?

The toupee has retired.

What! You're still reviewing this show and not The Strain?

This is an argument I can't get behind. In Batman '66, Romero and Burgess Meredith were far older than Adam West, and it didn't hurt the veracity of the show at all.

Does Jesse Eisenberg truly "STAR" in anything?

It sure does. But, to be fair, Hagler used a terrible fight strategy. Instead of coming out and pounding Leonard into mush, he decided he wanted to prove he was as good a boxer. He played right into Leonard's hands

Two men literally trying to kill each other in the ring. I was a Marvelous Marvin fan, and hated Tommy Hearns, but looking back on it now, Hearns was a once in a lifetime fighter who had the privilege - or bad luck - to compete against some of the greatest fighters who ever lived, and never embarrassed himself. I wish

Duran, Hearns, Leonard, Hagler, and to a lesser extent Mugabe and Iran Barkley brought real excitement to the middleweights. They could box, but would slug it out if needed, and that's what makes them superior to the dancers who fight nowadays.

Recently, I was wearing my Castleton shirt (MST3K fan here) when someone in the grocery store stopped me and asked if I went to college there. He had never heard of Time Chasers. I had to hang my head and say, "Who am I kidding? I never went to Castleton."

Hearns has a bit of a reputation as a fighter who wilted when the other boxer fights back, but anyone who saw his first fight with Sugar Ray and the classic with Marvelous Marvin Hagler knows that it took a lot of punishment to bring him down.

The A.V. Club turned into a shill for the streaming and cable industries so gradually I hardly even noticed.

It's called "The Cosby Effect."

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