
Why does his race enter into it? Key and Peele and Chapelle are as black as Larry Wilmore and they are/were popular. Network shows like The Flash feature prominent black characters, and shows like Empire and How To Get Away With Murder are popular despite largely black casts. Perhaps the real reason his show was

You hit the nail on the head with this comment. If that example is the best they've got, it's no wonder it was cancelled.

Alright! Laserblast it is!

They probably thing TGIF stands for "Thank God It's Formosa!" Stupid exchange students.

Point A: It was a cigar. Point B: He lied under oath, which is perjury.

Yeah, a series about Clark and Chavez makes a lot more sense. Clark could kill the bad guys and Chavez could deliver the bad ass kiss-off lines like, "The check is in the mail!" And then they could high five.

He's also mad about the time Ryan convinced him to do a "Desk Pop."

Since the MST3K revival is going to be on Netflix, They should get Mike Nelson to resurrect his delightful Steve Urkel impression. It would be a wonderful example of corporate synergy.

People like Stan Lee and Gene Roddenberry are lauded as visionaries, yet have often been accused of ripping off people who work for them - Lee with Jack Kirby, Roddenberry with Alexander Courage - and I am sure there are many others. How is that any different than this?

You're a rabid anti-animadite!

He hits it with a rock.

That was in Rambo: Part Two: Second Blood.

While I apparently liked it more than you, I find the frenzy over it somewhat mysterious. It was good but not great.

She's not funny either, so you just have to make some money and book a flight to Rio.

If those insurance(?) commercials are any indication, Leslie Jones is not only not funny, but the antithesis of funny.

The A. V. Club has to decide whether fanboys are pathetic losers shouting into the wind, or a misogynist juggernaut that can tank a movie if their demands are not met. Perhaps the real issue is that the movie was not very good? (I didn't see it, and feel that the original is vastly overrated, so I have no ax to grind.)

"Pat Benatar and Neil Geraldo's life is being made into a Broadway musical." Fixed!

You are all being fooled by this obvious long con. The early, sexy roles are a meta-commentary that will be revealed in her later career, when she has amassed enough power in Hollywood to play strong, feminist women like Margaret Sanger, Amelia Earhart, and Betty Friedan.

I would say so. That dude was hung!

Maybe he plans to make a movie. The Legend Of Sex House, with Roddy McDowell as Hugh Hefner.