
Heh heh heh. You said "box."

What's more offensive? That she knows she is an attractive and sexy woman, and is using that to further her career, or that people who write articles like this feel the need to "Defend" her from being considered a sex symbol. She is not a slave or some dumb bunny, she is an intelligent and sophisticated woman who is

One of the nicest people on Earf.

The best opening line in a film ever. "Hi, I'm Peter Graves and I'd like to Enroll at the University of Minnesota!"

So purchasing a microphone doesn't make for a successful film?

The Colour Out Of Space was friendly. It embraced the entire Gardner family.

Rashida Jones is the one you want to bang.

You're not the only one. This movie is a lot more emotional than most of the 80's fare, to its credit.

Jimmy Olson is dead! Zach Snyder killed him! thanks for opening old wounds!

A strong candidate. Yes indeed!

I gotta disagree on Combs best line reading. My vote would go to the "It always ended in screaming" line in From Beyond.

The chainsaw had an automatic reloader in it.

He may be the bumbler, but as Egg Shen says, they couldn't have done it without him.

She hasn't even seen the Goddamned movie! Maybe he teams up with a Chinese character who is also the hero. Maybe he's a "Jack Burton" type of character who helps save the day but only in the most fucked up manner possible.

"Wreaking," God dammit! Not wrecking.

It's one of his worst stories, and is pretty racist, yes.

I'm agreeing with you. This "Lovecraft was a racist," thing confuses me. It seems to have taken on a terrifying life of its own, like some noisome, eldritch abomination from the stars. It's already been established that he was a racist, so why keep harping on the point? If a person is offended by the racism in some of

The car chase, The Raid 2. Check it out.

Robert Howard was far more racist than Lovecraft. Read some of the Non-Conan stories and you'll see.

I respectfully disagree. "The Terrible Old Man" is as close to poetry as prose can be.