
A friend once told me that when his Italian American Mother and Irish American dad got married, it was treated as a "Mixed marriage." The major concern seemed to be that their children would grow up to be too drunk to steal.

ph'nglui mglw'nafh Trump R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn?

That's why they had a comedian deliver it.

Flash's costume looked kind of… cheap?

Brie: Only if you call me "Daddy."

I'm glad they got Bill, Pearl and Kevin to come back as the mads, even if it's only occasionally.

Nic cage IS Ghost Rider. Period.

So Johnny Storm is going to be on Shield?

"Equals offers a stronger Kristen Stewart romance than Twilight." High praise indeed!

These people should be made to dodge wrenches.

Well, they're not as rib tickling as a movie like Frances Ha, but I find them amusing.

We also share funny cat videos!

What!? Still no White Chicks, Napoleon Dynamite, Beerfest, Rat Race, Dodgeball or Eurotrip? I declare this list invalid.

"Tragically, Shahlavi actually died of a heart attack after filming had wrapped." That's what THEY want you to think. Or perhaps you're in on it.

If Hard boiled and the Killer aren't done for their respective years, there's something wrong with the world. The same goes for The Raid: Redemption.

The Killer has an ending that is so melodramatically over the top, but it still gets me every time.

Rollerball manages to be both antiseptic and gritty at the same time.

Hell, Future War is closer in spirit than the remake

Silent Rage. The greatest sci-fi, action, biker, comedy, horror western ever made.

Jimminy Jillickers!