
It's nice that Fuller was able to convince him to sign on, but what is he going to do with 37 subscriptions to Vibe?

So this guy plays a young Sean O'Neal?

I hope they do justice to the part where he uses his kung fu skills to lead his fellow P.O.W.'s in their escape from the prison camp.

There is a place in northern Nevada called "Chief Thunder Mountain" where someone grew trees around tools, bikes and other common household implements. It's as close to the Sawyer house as you will ever find. You keep expecting Leatherface to pop around the corner at any moment

You lost me at "I am legend."

He certainly got the annoying lens flares right.

I's bet he was a totally super soldier!

Let teachers and priests and philosophers brood over questions of reality and illusion. I know this: if life is illusion, then I am no less an illusion, and being thus, the illusion is real to me. I live, I burn with life, I love, I slay, and am content." - Conan the Barbarian "Queen Of The Black Coast"

Wait a minute! Is Elon Musk actually building an Iron Man suit, or is an advanced civilization creating an Elon Musk computer simulation that just thinks it is creating an Iron Man suit?

Well, if all you're going to do is quote case law, maybe your comments are not suitable for the A.V. Club court of opinion, in which all accusations are binding.

The important thing here is, did Rose McGowan get any work from Fox?

Because it's an easy, laid back, California style of racism, sexism, etc.

I feel the same way about the banal Trump mention that always seems to appear in the comment threads. (And no, I am not a Trump supporter.)

Oh, snap!

The most horrifying scene was his adoptive sister banging on the door and bleating "Kyle! I know you're in there!" over and over. I am not as enamored of this show as you all seem to be, but it showed a lot of promise

Was there a dumpster nearby?

Chumley steals the show.

I shot a Michael McDonald concert once. He came out, without lights or fanfare, and sat down at the keyboards. Then he said, with appropriate gravitas "I wrote this song about 9/11." It all went downhill from there.

Relax. They only killed the white Jimmy Olson. The black Jimmy Olson is still alive helping Super Girl.

You're right, he didn't. I did. As an example of a movie that gets more love than X3, but one which I find very boring.