
I'm with you, Cjob! I tried to watch First Class on TV the other day and couldn't make it more than 10 minutes.

Your denial of the effects of global warming vis-a-vis humans turning into monsters makes you worse than Hitler!

Is 50 miles really that close? It's time for the A.V. CLUB Science Editor to research this and then get back to us with the straight dope.

Strictly for research purposes, I googled "Kate Beckinsale nude." Kate, take it from ole Fish, ain't nothing wrong with you.

You know how in the movies when someone talks about how they are going to retire in three days and then are killed? The scene with the dinosaur tooth tells me that he will survive against overwhelming odds so he can present it to his daughter in the film's last scene.

This reminds me of a 70's horror movie starring Donald Pleasance called "Raw Meat," about London railway workers who are trapped in an earthquake and become cannibals. One of the characters shouts this nigh unintelligible phrase over and over, which turns out to be "Mind The door!"

You're right! We should all hang our heads in shame!

Yeah, what's wrong with me, believing in antiquated concepts like, "Innocent until proven guilty," and "Burden of proof." It's a silly, backwards concept compared to destroying someone's life and career with a kneejerk reaction.

Well, they are pretty self righteous about it.

Here is the unused pitch Snyder made for Justice League:

This is right up there with the "Sad Keanu" meme. Sometimes you just feel like eating lunch by yourself.

I always thought that insanity was being unable to differentiate between fantasy and reality.

It might be more difficult if it wasn't a variation on a dozen memes that have come beofre.

While I tend to believe her story, we need more than her word, especially if she has all this other evidence. And money is far from a "Nebulous Reason."

No mention of the Dave Chappelle remake?

I know everyone here hates Gotham, but splitting it into two arcs this season really helped it out.

(Light goes on) A Star Trek based procedural? Thanks, man!

This like the controversy over that one Archie comic where everybody thought Jughead was fisting Moose.

They heard he was planning to team up with Dawes.

I have a similar story. Last week "Under Pressure" came on the radio and my wife said "Turn it up." When she found out it wasn't "Ice Ice Baby," she said she was disappointed. She is now buried in the back yard.