
I was hoping for a scene where Felicity said: "Oliver, I was wrong about breaking up with you. Let's get back together!" Then Oliver would say: "I don't think so. I was right when I said my work was too dangerous for a relationship. Why don't you hook up with your old hacker boyfriend? Oh, that's right. Darhk killed

But the nuke never landed, and that guy ended up with a new flat screen, and a new attitude after hearing Oliver's speech. So, who's laughing now?

Why didn't they just have the one headed to Star City launch and have the others ready to go? And after the first nuke went off, maybe they might drain the fuel from the others so another "accidental" attack wouldn't happen.

I didn't care for it in Banshee, but a time jump of several years might do this show good. Have Ollie ensconced as mayor trying to clean up the city using his municipal superpowers, have his relationship with Felicity patched up - not romantically, but make them friends again - let everyone else return with fresh

Do you mean THE MC Hammer, who is promoting a device to hang your pictures without the use of - you guessed it - a hammer? (I have actually seen this for sale in Lowe's.)

All I could think of after watching the trailer: "Quit telling your stupid story about the stupid desert and die already! Die!

Okay, "The King In Yellow" is Robert W. Chambers, not Lovecraft. I realize that H.P. drew a lot of inspiration from him, and shaped his Mythos at least partly on Chambers work, so calling it Lovecraftian is technically true, but how about we give Bobby C. his due every once in awhile?

Yeah, he's wrong there. In "Checkmate," one of the prisoners says right out loud that he invented a missile defense shield. And the professor in this episode is there because he invented the speed learn technology.

The director - who claimed to be a fan of the novels - completely misread the material. In the books, he is a soldier who loves war and never has time for women, until he goes to Mars and meets the Princess. They changed it to a man who lost his wife and child, and therefore eschewed war. Basically, he changed it to

She was pronounced incompetent due to insanity, and then declared sane. She even has the hand stamp to prove it.

They could do what Arrow did when everyone thought
Ras had killed Oliver. Concentrate on the supporting actors for a while until the lead shows back up.

I'm right with you there. I look forward to this every week. I guess the style works for some people but not others.

The Penguin, Joker, Egghead and others in Batman '66 were all much older than Batman. And that shit was real!

The letters to Penthouse are fake! But I've based my whole phony sex life on them!

The same rights as children? So no rights, then?

He should have won for "Hot Fuzz," you chunky monkey!

Take a drink every time Trump's name is mentioned - The AV Club Drinking Game.

Along with animal rights, does there come animal responsibilities? If, during mating, a male chimpanzee takes a female who tries to fight him off, can he be charged with rape?

Throw in some chainsaws and this would be the most popular sport in the world.

The 7 Chinese Brothers?! Netflix turned into a channel of pee pee's and wee's wee's so gradually I barely even noticed!