
Similar story here. Fell for a girl at work. Went on smoke breaks even though I had quit just to be around her. Spent years being her friend going for lunch breaks and doing shit together.

Yeah, I didn’t know how to put this into words, so I held up on posting, but I agree. It’s always hard as a dude to try to give someone else perspective into how they should approach a woman, since god knows we’re not always on the same page, but man, my first thought was “dude, tell her.”

That first one is tough to gauge.

(Standard disclaimer: there is no Friend Zone, there are just people who don’t want to date or sleep with you.)

Now playing

As far as im concerned, the Uncharted movie already came out Starring Nathan Fillion and anyone cast in this new one is wrong and i hate it.

I do the exact opposite; I stand up as soon as the plane takes off

Well, that’s the court order criminal case.

Yeah, that math didn’t work for me either. For that matter, why isn’t this “restaurant” seized and sold? It was used in the commission of a crime.

Dsmissed an entire generation is stupid but that’s how people works and i get it, most of the boomers are the ones making the bad decisions in governments right now. That’s how life goes l, older generations will always say younger generations are lost and younger generations will always say older generations are

Solidly placed as a millennial I really don’t get it. Being a history major I guess it comes as each generation comes into budding adulthood. Trying to find their own way and identity. Deconstructing a prior generation. It’s not new by any means. I do find it funny though the baby boomers that brought us Rock N Roll,

The generation that grew up in the 60s and defined the culture/politics/music/etc and (at least the media) had never let anyone born after forget that has been reduced to a punch line in the name of saving us all.

I’m sure you’ll enjoy 25-year olds preaching to you when you’re twice their age, too. 

Lol I can see how it could be viewed that way, but my mom’s death was hard, she was disabled in constant pain. She was released in death.

When I am gone, I hope the people I love would celebrate my life rather than mourning it. Wouldn’t that be nice.

I want to play FFVII again but I can’t. No one can.

I watched the 13-minute cut and it was probably the most emotional I’ve felt about Final Fantasy since, like, FF12. I hope it gets subtitled so more people can see it.

Let us know when you recover from your stroke. 

I’ll always say that Songs reputation is a bit worse then it is. Its awkward to watch now but at the time some saw it as progressive. It did lead to the first African American actor to win an Oscar.  Its not much worse then the Dumbo crows or the Indians in Peter Pan. If the movie was available to watch it wouldn’t be

Except...they were supposed to be dumping all that stuff down a DIFFERENT, not connected, drain.

What’s the chance that the clog is caused by something the meatpacker put down the drain? My guess is “pretty high.