
I think it’s loosely related to scynning. I have to look it up my Eorzian dictionary.


I’m impressed, you mentioned the PC text based game from the 80s.  I actually played that one as a kid way back then.  Didn’t get too far because... well.. fuck text based games.  Trying to figure out the correct words to use and shit was so irritating.

I miss Lemon Pepsi, and mint sprite... Dammit.

OMG this looks like so much fun.  Reminds me of Prey.

The guy sounds like a really young dude.  He’s got a LOT to learn about relationships.  So yes, he should date a bit instead of sticking with one girl.  She’s too good for him and TBH He’s SO not ready to settle.

Bingo.  In the end, she’s absolutely the same as Cersei.

Probably why they rushed the last two seasons too.  They didn’t want to take time to figure out how to properly tell the rest of the story when they ran into GRRM giant pile of blank pages.

I imagine a lot of the character development happens in her own mind, which Emilia Clark does her best to bring to the fore by her acting.  This entire season Dany’s been remote, distant, closed off and dare I say - scared?  This is how a person who’s been traumatized would act.  And with the betrayals all around her,

They did action pretty good wit Lightning Returns and FFXV.  I’ll give ‘em the benefit of the doubt.

Way to go racist jackasses.  Turning what used to be OK into a symbol for hate.  Fuck off.

His defense “I didn’t think she knew about her titties!”

Why you would put the game that’s pretty much your flagship FF game in the hands of a third party is quite beyond my ken.

Wow.  I’m shocked then that I finished my first playthrough in just a matter of about 6 or 10 hours.

In an age of videos, I much prefer a good article well written... just saying....

Thank God.  The Uncle Ben thing got real old real fast.  I’ve had that story retold way too often in my 40 years of life.

I’m definitely asking “chapter and verse” for that.

I was thinking about that. All your possessions are probably gone. Your home is probably taken over by someone else, if it hasn’t gone to complete ruin.  Reintegrating a sudden exponential increase in people would be... difficult to say the least.  Would there even be enough food in a place like say - New York with

This is SO Awesome!

Write a letter before you confront him. It’ll crystallize your thoughts. And I mean write it as though you’re writing it to him. It’ll also help get some of the emotion involved to cool down a few degrees and let you think more clearly when you confront him.

Sounds like he’s a Klingon though.  It’s what my wife and I