What was really sad was her self recrimination in the original tweet. “I slipped” no you didn’t sleep dear, your husband is just an asshole and unfortunately it seems he’s taught you to be one too.
What was really sad was her self recrimination in the original tweet. “I slipped” no you didn’t sleep dear, your husband is just an asshole and unfortunately it seems he’s taught you to be one too.
Ok this sounds like my cup of tea, I’ve been jonesing for some good Sci Fi-ish game since Dishonored finished.
WTF Cosplay isn’t necessarily work.
Oh god that WOULD freak me out too. I’ve never liked the idea of those tubes and shit. Glad you came out of it and are on the mend.
Demon souls doesn’t interest me, but you had my interest at Ninja Gaiden... Now I wanna check this out.
It’s not my favorite thing. I can play some sports yes. I actually enjoyed hockey a bit when I was a kid and had stamina but now, not so much. Totally not a dickish thing to say though, it’s something my wife and I were discussing last week.
When I was younger I compensated by being hyper aware of what was going on…
I can’t wait. There were a lot of games I never got around to in the 90s. Largely because they weren’t very accessible to the deaf. Everyone was trying to be “cinematic” which meant no fucking subtitles.
I know people can mod those games and include subs now, but they’re SO dated that it’s just not as much fun to…
I’ve heard good things about the first game but it’s so dated. I’m really hoping this one turns out as good as this article makes it look.
It’s probably due in large part to cultural indoctrination. There’s some things about Japan I don’t like either but, I don’t write off all of Japan for it. Which is what he seems to be doing, it’s sad but I understand. It’s difficult to rise above your programming.
If it’s streaming only - hard pass.
I am talking about the new one... and no I don’t really enjoy the scarcity of ammo in the beginning so I got the mod and got around that. I wish more games had the flexibility of allowing gamers to play the way they enjoy playing the game.
Hopefully a mod comes out for that. Prey had that same problem and I ended up modding for unlimited ammo because that shit just pisses me off.
It amazed me the hypocrisy of the media when he died. For years they continued to talk about his alleged predilections but the minute he dies - he becomes a saint, an angel. One of the good ones taken from us too soon.
I never cared for his music, so if he did in fact do all that he’s been accused of... I won’t miss…
Who mashes their accelerator that hard when reversing?!
I’m all for justice, but she hasn’t been convicted yet. Aren’t people jumping the gun a little?
Yep. Been doing it since the days of Beta. They just NEVER learn.
NOT worth the risk. People have been caught with those as well.
Well that’s it... Japan’s off my list of countries I wanna visit.
What game is THAT in the picture with the article.
OOooh I likey