
Hopefully a mod comes out for that.  Prey had that same problem and I ended up modding for unlimited ammo because that shit just pisses me off.

The Dune mini-series was better than that movie.  I’m surprised it wasn’t mentioned.

It amazed me the hypocrisy of the media when he died. For years they continued to talk about his alleged predilections but the minute he dies - he becomes a saint, an angel. One of the good ones taken from us too soon.

I never cared for his music, so if he did in fact do all that he’s been accused of... I won’t miss

Who mashes their accelerator that hard when reversing?!

sO...  what did they do?  Bark like a dog when the magnet shifted?

It sounds pretty American...  Kinda like the difference between Ford and Toyota.  Built to last? Or built to pass?

Ew Nicholas Cage as Arragorn?  Gross.

I’m all for justice, but she hasn’t been convicted yet.  Aren’t people jumping the gun a little?

Yep.  Been doing it since the days of Beta.  They just NEVER learn.

NOT worth the risk.  People have been caught with those as well.

Well that’s it... Japan’s off my list of countries I wanna visit.

Fucking darwin award winners.

What game is THAT in the picture with the article.

OOooh I likey

Yes by all means lets desensitize children to violence and preach the only thing worth preaching about Jesus which is that he likes torture and he’s gunna torture you dirty unbelievers in hell.

Great message there.  Proving Stephen King’s portrayal of religious people isn’t always so far off the mark.

Went to Fan Expo in Vancouver a couple times.  While the cosplay was on point, the rest of the show is kind of... Well let’s just say - I’d rather go to SDCC.

I mostly miss the bargain bin full of 20 dollar games that were full price only 6 months before.

Not the sun?  I was told the sun was flat... ;)

In many ways it is too though. Vague hints for quests; check. Plenty of wandering til you figure out WTF to do; check. If you leave it for a time and come back you are absolutely up shit creek; check. You WANT to leave it for a time because the aggravation of trying to figure WHAT you’re supposed to do; check.


I feel the same about ketchup.  The devil’s condiment.