
Wtf...  Who sits there and takes that?  I want to know the story behind this now...

For some reason as soon as I get into a bookstore, it’s like I had a laxative.  I don’t know why or how.  Even if I thought I was empty - bookstore, oh shit now I gotta find a bathroom before I can enjoy looking at books.  Why... The ... Eff does this happen?

Sick to death of MMOs. They were intriguing at first but now they’re just glorified fetch quests. And too many MMOs make game play largely dependent on playing with other people which is a real turn off for those of us who have limited gaming time, and inconsistent schedules.  I wish the genre would make some real

Would totally go to this just to see Brie Larson.

*GASP* She has cleavage?!  Now my day is ruined.

Friend of mine checked the other day. Site said “tickets STARTING at $600".

Wait - are you serious?  It’s One ticket per half of the show?  WTF.  And people are paying this?  Ridiculous.

Hundreds of dollars... Try around $500 a ticket from what I’ve been told.  I can’t think of any show that would really be worth that much money for ONE single solitary frigging ticket.

Most important thing to NOT do if you want a good night’s sleep... For the love of god do NOT look at the clock.  Being ignorant of the time is the BEST way to stay relaxed and able to sleep.

I do something very similar that I learned from jyoti meditation. Just deep breathing to your belly for however long it takes to make your body relax and loosen. Then I just focus, with my eyes closed, on the darkness in front of me and relax and see what I see... It almost always knocks me out pretty damn fast.


Good - fuck that pre-order nonsense.  I stopped buying games without trying them out first after being dumb enough to buy “Revenge of the Sith” on Xbox way back when.  What a rip off.

Honestly if he’s not happy with her the way she is. He’s better off leaving the relationship. What happens if nothing ever changes for her? And he just gets more and more frustrated? this is how domestic violence happens. Unless he’s willing to love her, overweight and depressed - he’s better off finding someone else

It’s just stupid and extremely consumer hostile not to allow cross platform play.  Fuck I wish they would allow cross platform saves for ALL non-exclusives.  There’s just no reason not to.  If someone wants to play their save game that they had on a console they bought, and paid for, why should the console

Who says animals aren’t sentient?  Besides which - what IS a soul?  Personally - I think everything that moves is a soul, but then we’d be getting into religion. LOL

I loved the film in ‘84.  I was just a kid and had no taste, but still - it was a fun movie and I recall that was the first time the concept of INNER space occured to me.  I’d never heard of such a thing and thanks to that movie, it really opened a whole new dimension to think about.

Totally agree. There’s only so many superlatives and adjectives in the English language that you can use when it comes to these games..

Oh the nostalgic feels...

Oh I missed that part.  Oops.

How the fuck did it get pre-digital era info to connect the two of you though?  That’s wild.

I jagged on my “ear” everytime I read that ridiculous “old timey” english.  That was just the demo - I don’t know if I could handle a whole game with this bullshit “language” they’ve invented.

Irrelevant is not the same as irreverent