
Whatever - I’m glad they’re still supporting 3DS. I’m not going to a switch for another generation or two. Ninty ALWAYS brings out a better version of hardware.

And that’s just so stupid, short sighted and counter productive. Who cares who fucked up? Learn from it and don’t do it again.

I don’t understand why EA or Bioware wouldn’t comment. This article actually makes me ALOT more forgiving towards them. Now that I understand why it fell apart and see that they were REALLY trying to deliver something unique, I feel like cutting them a break. Jesus guys, next time - take a breath and just try to

Tell me again why home ownership is so fucking great?

Don’t forget, asians tend to be somewhat smaller than Americans. Our diet, and genetic physiology is completely different. Just try ordering clothes from China and you’ll see right away what I mean.

Because those consoles are no longer manufactured and one day we’ll no longer be able to replace their parts.

We all just really want a holodeck...

Why does he look like he’s going to puke? Geeze, it’s like watching Sheldon break up with Penny... never gonna happen.

I have a buddy who used to be married to a woman who was a caregiver to another woman who is of reduced mental capacity. Unfortunately, she’d been her room mate for years and wasn’t about to move on once she got married to my buddy.

Unfortunately for him, he wasn’t marrying one woman - he was marrying two... and

LOL Nice Segue

I too bought a Sony eReader back then. I’ve gone without an eReader until this year. I haven’t been reading books nearly as much since my daughter was born in 2011, but I find myself wanting to read more again. Unfortunately - to make a long story longer - we moved and my wife will kill me if I buy more books

I too bought a Sony eReader back then. I’ve gone without an eReader until this year. I haven’t been reading books

So true, and when you have a migraine - the last thing you need is screen glare.

So true, and when you have a migraine - the last thing you need is screen glare.

How much faster do you need it to turn a page? Mine turns about as fast as I can read...

How much faster do you need it to turn a page? Mine turns about as fast as I can read...

Welp. My childhood now effectively ruined.

I didn’t really think so back then... I got an AMD Phenom II black edition if I recall. The rest was fairly ho hum. I did add more memory when the prices came down and I upgraded the GPU 3 years ago with a 280x

Other than that - all the same innards. I just dust it regularly and put a couple of good fans in there to

It doesn’t help that if you want to upgrade your CPU - you can’t just do that. Nooooo you have to buy a mobo, and new Memory that’s compatible. So any decent upgrade is going to cost anywhere from 600 bucks and up. It wouldn’t be so bad if you could just upgrade the CPU then a few months later with more bux in your

Gwyneth was once hot and sexy... But ever since she started spouting shit in Goop and fumigating her vagina - that’s gone...

Jesus - for an object designed for mobility and ease of use - this sounds like anything but. TBH this sounds like electronics in the 1980s. In fact - it reminded me of Murtagh’s “mobile phone” in Lethal Weapon 1....

Brutal. They’re really going down hill these days. I refuse to buy from their online store... ever, I’ve consistently had bad experiences with them. It’ll be a damn shame if they can’t even make their customers happy with their games.

Yep... and always get your timesheets done before they have to harrass you LOL