
What IS with the ridiculous hair in Manga and Anime?

For all that effort - it really isn’t saving you any time or brain cells...

Honestly - if more companies would just fucking connect with fans like CD Projekt has, they wouldn’t even need DRM. Hell - they even respected the consumer with reasonable prices on their game. At least on the PC side of things anyways.

It’s not really that hard to find games to pirate that won’t wreck your computer. The thing is, the experience of playing a game legit is far far better than a pirated game. Especially these days now that they’re so interconnected with the ‘net.

The downside is, the real bonus to legit purchases were the cool maps,

I guess that would be a “dystopia” of a sort then?

Nerds need loving too!

Honestly - I find it hard to go back to old games. They were great for their day but I leave Nostalgia to the past. You can’t experience the same thing twice, and if you try - you just end up disappointed. IMHO.

I loved how it tied into real world shit. Pulling out an Almanac and discovering things while playing a game was just a blast. It felt like immersion... The closest we could get to it in the 90s

River piracy just sounds wrong... It’s Piracy usually means a conscious intentional theft. Isn’t this just a straight up diversion?

If someone constructed a damn or changed a watercourse deliberately - I could see that being piracy but... a natural phenomena? Really?

I’m really not a fan of the UI... I’m going back to FFXV. I’m hoping by the time I finish that and maybe Witcher 3 - it’ll be a better game.

Anyone else finding Mass Effect: Andromeda feels more like work and less than fun? The dialogue alone is boring AF.

OMG the Nostalgia bomb this post has been... I’d forgotten about those games completely til now.

Hope you’re joking... That’s more likely to happen with heroin. Not really what happens with cannabis.

Or better yet - send it in the mail to a friend at the other end...

Or you could... just burn it... burn it all. BURN it the FUCK down.

Jesus fucking christ. God that shit is the stuff of nightmares. I’m SO glad I don’t do IT as a career. the idea of house calls to disgusting slobs...

LOL Terribleness.

Yeah fuck that shit. I’m not buying this. Fool me once... shame on you... I bought the first game and can count on one hand how many times I played it. What a fucking waste of money. I’m still pissed off, obviously.

I have the older one... R7000 I think? I love it. It made a visible difference in my download speeds on both wired and wireless. I didn’t pay $500 though. If I recall it was more around $200 when I got it. Wouldn’t go back though - best router I’ve ever had.

And the media is now doing their best to smear him... Like his past has anything to do with United’s despicable conduct.