
That game would sell if it were made for an abacus. Persona has gotten quite a following for itself now. :)

LOL SO true. If kids weren’t resilient - the human race would’ve died out a Looooooong time ago.

I couldn’t believe it didn’t come out on the VIta. P4 Golden is one of their best sellers on Vita... FFS.

Kinda bummed it’s not on Vita. I’m really hoping when I get this - I won’t get so bored (and a little pressured with the effing schedules) as I did with P4

With how many fools exist - you had to ask?

Yeah - I’m not going to pirate it. My computer’s a little long in the tooth so I might just get it on PS4 one day, unless there’s a steam sale that gives it a rock bottom great deal.

ATM I’d rather try out Thimbleweed that drop nearly 100 ducats on a game I’m not even sure i’ll like.

Whew. Good, I always get even MORE Skeptical around this time of year. I hate April fools. :P

Is this April fools?

Yeah, 80 bucks is really hard to choke down with buyer’s remorse. :P

I really want to play this game but $80 for what might possibly turn into a really major disappointment is hard for me to swallow. I bought Bayonetta and thought it was cool but never finished it... and this looks ALOT like Bayonetta.

Wait til he becomes a parent and that drops by a whole digit.

I WISH I had the kind of money needed to upgrade... I’m still running on an old Phenom II... sigh.

LA Noire is the only game I’ve played that comes close to this... But I really miss the Police Quest series. I loved it especially #1 and #2. Sigh.

I’ve never understood the fascination with the Shining. I love Stephen King, but I think that was one of his less stellar work. Guy gets cabin fever and goes crazy - that’s original?

I nearly hurled at the tub scene on I spit on Your Grave... that was just WAY too disturbing for me to handle...

One of the best parts of KOTOR (which is pretty much the bar I put for storytelling and great RPG) is how seamlessly the story wove throughout the game. I didn’t feel like I was reading anything, the EXPERIENCE itself told the story. That’s really how it should be.


And her eyes are real...

I remember wanting it SO bad when the articles of the time were covering it and it hadn’t come out yet... and then it bombed in the reviews SO bad.

Be easier if I could just “download it” Matrix style... sigh.