
All the stars....

holy frak 4200 nukes detonated since it’s inception? Now I know why cancer is such an epidemic.

So Jelly. I used to live in Calgary, so not too far from their head offices. I would’ve sold my first born to work there but alas - a CAD Tech with experience in civil isn’t really an asset in game design. :(

Good points, very valid points. All the same though, Witcher 3 was a far more fun game that DAI even came close to being. DAI was good, 4 stars, but W3 was fucking PLATINUM 5 stars easy.

I can’t even consider putting it on my 8 year old PC. It’s just too old. The GPU is updated, but the the CPU and everything else is a huge bottle neck. My PC’s gaming days are done, and I’m not dropping a bundle on a new one until this one dies.

So did I... I can’t remember how many hours I put in... alot. I crafted my own crap, and the killer was... even upgraded your weapons and armor were still incredibly disappointing for the amount of work you put into it. The story was - meh. Frankly, Witcher 3 did a far far better job of EVERYTHING.

Which really

AND you get to tell everyone else what to do while you live enamored in your own hypocrisy. Religion is a wonderful gig if you can stomach it

If you get a tax break on your charitable givings to a religious organization - it’s a political entity.

the game totally reminds me of Bayonetta....

They forgot one bubble and pretty much swallows all those other bubbles up. It’s a Fekking CULT. Boom. Done. No need to explain any further.

this is why my dad bought a bobcat back when we lived out on an acreage. That’s just too damn much snow.

Oh God DAI was ... such a disapointment.

thank you. I like good writing and you’re right, if I had seen THAT ending in the beginning - I’d be in a mad frothing rage like everyone else too. I REALLY hate lazy story writing. I don’t care if you have to hold back release another 3 months, get the shit done right the first time.

Bioware usually excels in the

Wow, the graphics were that good on a console no less? I’m REALLY looking forward to this now...

I don’t get why so many people got butthurt over the ending in ME3. But then - I didn’t finish it until 8 or 9 months AFTER that controversy when Bioware tweaked the ending a bit. I found it a satisfying conclusion to the entire series...

Did you play on PC or PS4? Just curious.

Yep I just started chapter 6... I’m trying to ignore ALOT of stupid shit people are saying on the net that spoils the game. Hell I had to leave some FF groups on FB cuz they kept putting spoilers in their OP. Pissed me right off when someone gave a pretty MAJOR story plot reveal. Assholes.

That REALLY makes the game a literal pisser. I doubt I’d put up with shit like that. Would have to be a DAMN good game.

It just SUCKS that they’re removing Vita as a platform for it though.

Oh FFS that WAS funny. What a bunch of butthurt sissies our society has become.