
I HATE the phrase “Dumbing down of America” it removes from the people the CHOICE and WILL to be different. America isn’t getting dumber, instead people are being programmed to think this way. REJECT your programming and choose differently!! People are still intelligent, they’re not stupid, they’re just being TOLD

So far my 5 year old has not pulled off dumb shit like this on my electronics. A fact I find quite amazing actually. She does other dumb shit like flooding the shower to create a “bath”. And getting water everywhere, using permanent marker on her toys or better yet - nail polish to paint her damn toys... but she’s

Sorry but Mario gets incredibly boring and aggravating too, I’d rather fall off the stairs in RL

I loved it back then, but yes - it’s not fun anymore because our barometer for fun has significantly changed with the improvements to technology.

It might be a relatively minor crime. But he’s going after it for the salaciousness. Asshat. I think Lewinsky has suffered enough for this debacle.

So does piracy though, and it can be added that piracy expands a greater market for those studios as people who would not otherwise be able to afford access to their content might actually become customers at some point when they can and DO afford access to their product.

Yeah I like working for companies that understand I WILL work my ass off and get it done RIGHT as close to deadline as possible... Just don’t micromanage me.

Love it when they leave me alone.

Loved Pandora Tomorrow and REALLY loved Chaos Theory. Never got much into the others. The first one though, that one has a special loathing from me. It was definitely NOT flexible in how you played it.

Ah yeah FFXI. I was into that too back in the day before the kidlet came along. Wife liked it for a while but I got in too deep, I’d go on as soon as I got in the door from work. She didn’t care for that. So I took a break and one month stretched into 2 and even when I tried to get back into it, it just wasn’t the

When IS this coming to North America?!! I want to see it so badly.

By any chance was he stoned? LOL

Yeah I wouldn’t put food in the drawer we have... nuh uh

Not me man, I have a kid and those raids can take HOURS to finish. If I solo I can just put it down and come back. Not so easy when you have 6 other people. Yeah you can say “BRB” sometimes, but if you’re in the middle of a REAL grind of a boss... you are SCREWED.

It’s not a big deal if you die when you’re soloing

I love the story, hate the forced dungeon roulette quests. If I could enjoy the story without being forced into parties, and rather CHOOSE to party when I frigging well want to party... the game would be PERFECT.

Maybe there’s a potion for that?


No you’re not wrong. Somewhere in the 80s or 90s it became trendy not to put a label on things. I guess it’s still the trend. Alot of Americans don’t really THINK about it.

Seriously - labels are great things. They tell you what something contains, and in some cases, even warns you against something poisonous. So

Yep. Had a girlfriend who had a guy friend like that. Always claimed there was nothing romantic there. I ended up breaking up with her, he was a flipping nuisance, and gave me a seriously creepy vibe. They eventually moved in together, still “friends” though I didn’t believe it.

I still don’t know if they ever

Must be Trump’s mentor. I can’t even... Never once have I ever thought in my life “I’mma grabbing a pussy today.” Thought has never occurred to me. Mind you - I never thought of slapping ANYONE on the ass as acceptable except perhaps in sports I suppose (not that I’ve ever felt the desire to even then)

Any recommendations?

People have probably said it a thousand times, but confidence and self-esteem are hugely attractive. Once I started LIKING who I was, it became very easy to meet women and attract them. In fact, I didn’t find out how many were genuinely attracted to me until AFTER I got married.

I couldn’t believe it. Not that I