
Ahhh.... A friend of mine had a grey scale VGA Screen. I never really saw the point in that.

I thought VGA was backwards compatible.

Oh wow. I thought she was left wing with Trump going after her.. I totally misread her.

I don’t live in America or watch Fox so I’m not sure what the hate on Megyn is for... Why such extreme labels for her?

What the hell computer did you have? An XT with 2.5 mghz clock speed? I can’t figure out how you can possibly ruin a computer by playing SimCity 2000. Methinks someone was lying to you that day.

It means that it may not run everything, and if it does it will probably do it poorly with low frame rates, creating very choppy video, screen tearing and just a bad experience overall.

Trust me - your computer isn’t the starship enterprise, or a car. You can’t damage it by overloading it or pushing a button. Just

Not really, just presumptive and very ignorant.

Yeah her love is pure... pure shit.


I can’t imagine how hard that was with how janky the combat is.

A choose your own adventure book would have been more titillating.

From 2015? Why is this even up on the main page?

Sorry it disappointed you but FFA brought me into the FF world at a time when I was a kid and RPG’s were so overwhelmingly technical. FFA made it straightforward and fun. I can’t even remember why the first FF bored me to tears when I was 13, because 15 years later I played it nonstop loving it...

So it’s not just me. I loved Bravely Default, and finished it in a month. Bravely Second, I’ve been playing for what feels like a year. I pick it up... I put it down... I just get so goddamn bored that I only play when I feel like doing something while watching TV.

Thought I forgot how to have fun with RPG’s

The biggest reason the PSP and VITA have not gone over as well as 3DS is primarily Sony’s lack of vision. They DONT support their product and the excessive costs of their memory? They killed their baby as soon as it was born... basically.

If the DS hadn’t made it so easy to pirate - I really really doubt that it would be as successful as it is today. The ability to put multiple games on a single microSD was hella convenient.

It REALLY depends on the girl. I’ve known some who could rock your world with her tongue. Insane.

The butt slapping thing infuriates me. So disrespectful. There’s a reason a man’s hacky sack hurts so much. With all that power imbalanced on the part of a male it’s often the only real recourse a woman has to defend herself.

I’m curious, the article doesn’t really go into any detail, and I understand if she doesn’t want to do so. But I’m wondering, you said she went through a period of depression and was suicidal. When did she realize that it was because of her birth gender? Or was that the reason for her depression? Your article

Steam was hot shit 6 years ago but these days.... I find I’ve been gravitating more and more to my PS4. The games are less buggy, and the sales are... yknow... actual SALES.