
After seeing this crap happen on Hitman, I’m really not keen on buying NEW AAA games for my PC these days. What is going on?

Got my copy finally!!

LOL Creepy is no respector of genders.

Hmm... what’s the difference between a soul and a spirit?

OMG slay me now...

ALL the stars...

LOL I find experience on the part of a politician a dubious qualification for success. Experience at what? Shading truth? Cronyism? Where to bury the bodies? Really, what experience do you think makes a politician a better... leader? Person?

On the part of a doctor you can honestly say “great experience benefits

Politics and medical science are two TOTALLY different things.

Ooooh! I got a picture of some names with a circle colored in. I’m living on the dark side now!

Can totally see some of the FF13 stuff in there too... Especially the lonely boy on the throne and then FF13 - Lightning on the throne looks very very similar.

I can’t believe this is still around...

I would be very very surprised if it doesn’t come on PC next year.

Then I suggest you avoid them all. Fortunately, from what i’ve heard, if you step on the wrong one... well... you’ll never know.

I don’t understand. I admit i’m largely ignorant of the whole affair, but I thought RS was defending rape victims and slamming the university on how it handles sex assault claims.

Not really. It’s a nice game, but I get bored of it easily.

Ditto - I just DONT like the controller on the N64. I skipped that entire generation of gaming actually.

He’s right. Some of the old games (alot of them really) don’t age very well. Those games were great for it’s time because that was the BEST YOU COULD GET for gaming. Now we have better technology, better AI, better game design. It’s like going from playing the original Pong and doing a remaster of THAT. Who the

One of these days I’ll have to watch that movie...

There’s a blood meridian game?

If you don’t want a chosen hero story then go play... Tetris or something - I dunno. Frankly, I live day to day as a chosen non-hero, so getting to game as a chosen hero is... pretty damn good to me.