
Gwynneth... before goop and the hippie shit...

So much this.. I don’t understand people who claim to be bored. How can you possibly be bored? There’s more entertainment in our world now than ever existed at anytime before. There’s books to read, games to play, media to be watched and meditated upon...

If that can’t pierce your boredom... I have nothing for you.

LOL I live in Vancouver, which is lovingly dubbed “Hongcouver” so... it’s a pretty common sight around here.

I’d get one if it were actually cheaper. Still ain’t paying over $300 to such a limited console library.

Yeah... just think of a christian church where they’re really hard core about going after sin. So hard core that they tell you who to date, when you can get married, whether you can kiss or not, where you live, who you live with, and whether you can even take vacation... oh and they take about 33% of your income if

Sounds like my 5 year old daughter... sigh

Tons of asians do it - you’ll be fine.

Oh God I really am old. I was in my 20s when Cruel Intentions came out and in a fucked up cult which told us it was a sin to watch that movie... which only made me want to watch it even MORE.

Never did though. I should correct that.

I prefer Mel gibson’s Hamlet. I went to that in theater SO many times. It’s what hooked me on Shakespeare

LOL I have the audiobook and the first one puts me to sleep easily. :P

Hmmm... definitely doesn’t taste like honey.

I know exactly which story I was talking about. There’s a paragraph where she finds an article in the paper about that house. She could’ve put in the town, or the article, or something to add legitimacy to it. I’m only saying how she could have made her fiction BETTER and more believable. :)

Divinity school... I’d like to go there - do you learn to become gods?

creepy... They look TOO weird to be human.

Rule of internetting - nothing is true.

lol I kind of thought it was. It was just a little TOO unbelievable. If the writer wanted to make it believable, he/she should’ve put in landmarks or something that could be googled and “confirmed” lol

Hot damn that’s vile.

Unfortunately art is an expression of humanity, and despite the revolting shit these people do - they’re STILL human and their art reflects a part of us that we identify with. It’s WHY we’re drawn to art. Because SOMEONE expressed something deep within our soul that we were unable to articulate ourselves.

Some of the

I never finished this... now I want to go back and try again..

Playing Until Dawn while stoned...maybe some Deus Ex....