
Things you missed:

You can be a good writer and be full of shit at the same time! I’ll never forgive black intellectuals, scholars and writers like Mosley who help popularize that dreadful word.

Look, HIS KID CAN’T ENJOY STEAK ANYMORE. Labor Day weekend just passed, this is a very hard time for the Turner family. Poor Brock had to eat a hotdog and potato salad while everyone else enjoyed a nice tri-tip.

Are you Brock’s dad?

She probably mad because it smells good and she hangry.

Shut up, Brock.

Pretending he isn’t leading or even on the radar is ignorant at best. Look I’m not a fan of his or anything but I’m a realist. You can’t just scream fake news because reality doesn’t agree with your opinions.

Don’t forget Cris Carter’s admonitions to always have a fall guy in your crew!

I hope that NFL players take note of the lack of empathy people have shown Andrew Luck during this entire process. Don’t feel guilty about hold-outs for more money. Get as much money as you can and get the hell out before it becomes a detriment to your health. 

this is good but why the fuck are those parents taking kids with sensory issues to games?

Still confused why other players who had to change their helmet over the past year were able to follow the rules laid out to them by the NFL, yet Brown couldn’t.  It’s like being given an extension to do a homework assignment you neglected, and then chose to neglect it again.

what the fuck does this have to do with Demarcus Cousins?

Oh, it is. My point is just that these contract mechanisms and stipulations and the underlying terms need a serious-ass glossary.

Draymond Green is the clone of the modern day Bill Laimbeer. Everyone “hates him” but would love to have him on their team. Anybody who says different is a liar. Bottom line is that he makes pro basketball, which is now a defenseless 3 pt contest, more interesting. Every league needs villains! Do your thing Day Day,

Yes and no.

Two attempts at insults. Both of which reflect more negatives about you than me. You, pookums, are adorable.

My condolences to your shift key, which clearly is dying a painful death. 

TIL the Giants and the Niners, who both play in the NFC, met in the Super Bowl. 


Honestly it’s probably bc of wanting to avoid censorship from China- same reason you rarely hear Tibet brought up in Hollywood films these days. The “first LGBT character” could be easily cut out for showings in China and other homophobic international markets....