
Forget about it, Jake. It’s CONCACAF.

He had to at least make it look spur of the moment. With the USMNT out, it was in the money-makers’ best interest for him to give the game to Mexico

I unapologetically love Streets of Fire. Moranis is brilliant, Ed Begley plays a homeless dude for about 30 seconds, Diane Lane looks amazing, and the Ry Cooder/Blasters stuff on the soundtrack is eternally catchy.

Somebody get Guy Ferry on the line. He needs to see this.

In exchange for the privelege of operating a motor vehicle on publicly owned and maintained roads people sign an agreement to abide by the laws that govern the operation of all motor vehicles on those public roads. Don’t like it? Walk.

I still can't wrap my head around getting in a car without putting on your seatbelt.

So I can, and let me repeat that, so I can keep track of the visions in my dreams.

Always wear sunglasses at night.

“What do you mean they’re in our division?!” - Billy Beane

A friend of the family passed away from AIDS in 1991. About a month later I gave a presentation on AIDS in speech class that began with everyone passing around a statue. When the statue had been touched by everyone and made itsafely back to me, I announced that the owner of the statue had died of AIDS. There was an

She is going to send them the ANGRIEST tweet.

You’re not missing anything. If you had seen it at 15 and in the 90s, Kids was an eye opening, terrifying look at what teenage sexuality and the AIDS epidemic could be. It’s not particularly good. My bet is if you saw it now, you would think they were trying too hard to be shocking and exploitative.

GTFO you don’t say? It’s hard to have any context when you only have 154 characters to work with. I seriously think these artists need to get the hell off Twitter and into blogging if they want to make a point.

fighting on Twitter is like fighting via Morse code

If I had a dollar for every time we found a dookie in the children's section....

the only thing better than these WYTS, is the hate mail they generate from fans who take their team way too seriously.

I really can’t wait for this year's elaborate butthurt responses from NFL fans taking these articles too seriously.

Not denying that Cosby is a rapist creep, but you really think a scene about BBQ sauce deserves attention? Have you ever heard 90% of american males speak irrationally about their BBQ skills? I’m just guessing, but perhaps this scene is a play on that and not a latent rape admission.

This is stupid.

What makes it even worse is, when presented with all the facts, she won't admit she's wrong. Just like the racists on the right.