Environment plays a huge role as well.
Environment plays a huge role as well.
All that’s missing in Clevinger’s tweets is some version of “Come at me, bro!” In all caps, of course.
As if Musk has a secret stash of credibility he’s saving for a rainy day?
What if—stay with me here—the players found sponsors to underwrite their travel and lodging expenses? Maybe put the onus on the players to help fund their own individual pursuits, like golf and bowlers do? Slap on a stained, torn comic book t-shirt, or shill for some start-up deodorant company or greasy Mexican food…
Playing Magic and calling yourself an “athlete” is about the same as me playing Fantasy Football and calling myself an “athlete.”
If DUI vehicular manslaughter (looking at you, Leonard Little and Donte Stallworth) isn’t enough to derail an NFL career, what’s a little insider trading gonna do?
As a car guy, in addition to tires, NEVER skimp on your brake repairs. Tires are the only part of your car touching the ground, and brakes STOP your car.
Well, they technically did break a 17 game regular season losing streak.
Well, now we know Bill Barnwell’s Kinja account.
Is it still a good deal after you realize they also sent a 2020 2ND ROUND PICK WITH MACK to the Bears?
Net Neutrality gonna make your beeper pop off all day with some PHAT girl’s phone number.
Yeah, probably not. Mr. Harriot is the prized writer at The Root and you can’t risk losing him or The Root dies, even if there are far more talented writers there with a more even-handed approach who can actually present a thoughtful argument.
Almost makes you hope that the internet breaks and all these YouTubers are left with is shit.
Almost makes you hope that the internet breaks and all these YouTubers are left with is shit.
Personally, I am so fucking tired of seeing “YouTuber” in any headline.
Personally, I am so fucking tired of seeing “YouTuber” in any headline.
Of course that lady punched Reader Ben.
Avengers 4: Because, Plot Armor.
I learned a trick from my mom and dad regarding this: They always put either me or my sister in the shoes of the person serving them and asked themselves, “Would we stiff our own children if they were busting their asses to serve people?” Mom and Dad were strong tippers and I’ve inherited their mindset when it comes…
Target is on the slippery downhill slope to Walmart depths.