
So you can’t really make a fair assessment. Because if you were a little further in the game you’d know this article is complete bullshit. But hey, gotta get those clicks and crank out as much content as possible as fast as possible. To hell with quality journalism. Who needs that? 

Yeah, something tells me this is the kind of guy that believes white genocide is a real thing.

Because he calls out white people for being the worst? Spoilers, we white folk are the worst. That’s not a secret. People that get upset by people expressing that, however, well let’s just say I’m more concerned about your views on race than his.

As somebody who has played and been the DM of a few homebrew campaigns, this makes all the sense in the world.

I put a good 5-10 hours into it after getting it for 7 bucks on steam. It was okay but I kinda lost interest after a while. The games solid but it feels like it suffers from prioritizing quantity over quality in its world and quests. 

What the fuck, dude? 


Dude, I bought and paid for my own PC. I know damn well how much it costs. It is more expensive than consoles at first but the PC will pay for itself in cheap games and the ability to incrementally upgrade instead of buying a new machine outright every few years. Plus, as another commenter, bullshooter4040 said, the

Not really, my specs exceed the games requirements and so do a lot of my friends. We’re all enthusiasts but I wouldn’t call any of us rich. We’re definitely not the top 1% of gamers.

But this is the same argument as actors vs. film critics, so ultimately futile.

That’s my favorite part of all the NMS stuff. They ended up supporting the game and are continuing to make it better in tangible ways. The game we have now is dramatically better than what came before. Meanwhile Star Citizen is next to nothing to show for all the time and money that’s gone into it. 

A lot of what went wrong with Daikatana was John Romero’s massive ego. And again, this is an example of a bad game and not proof that industry professionals aren’t better suited to determine what makes a game good over random consumers.

My point is that professionals in an industry probably know more about how to make a work of art good than random people who consume the art. Citing a bunch of examples of bad games doesn’t refute what I said. 

I dunno, feels like game developers should probably have a better handle on what is and isn’t fun given that they’re making something that is supposed to be fun. 

Kinda reminds me of Godzilla Destroy All Monsters Melee from way back in the early days of the Gamecube. The game wasn’t perfect but my brother and I loved it. Hope this game is like that, but like, polished and not quite so clunky.

My advice would be to bring a couple of friends to take care of it. With the new password system that ignores level and such it’s pretty easy. You go down the middle and in the safe zone where you can’t get hurt and have each friend go left and wright to take out the orbs, then quickly go finish off the boss. It’s a

Visually I love Lost Izalith is fantastic. The idea of slowly descending from the sewers, poisonous caves and finally a literal hell is awesome. It’s just too bad it was so unfinished and sloppy.

Sure, but that’s kind of the problem. The whole fight is broken. It’s a waste of time and energy but you HAVE to go do it. Lost Izalith on the whole feels like an unfinished skeleton of an area with placeholders where the level should have been. They clearly ran out of time, which sucks, but the bed of Chaos really

At least with Aldrich you can still beat him without having to hope the environment doesn’t randomly kill you. There is at least an attack pattern there that can be learned. Near as I can figure the Bed of Chaos is just, well, chaos.

I’m just gonna take this opportunity to point out that Bed of Chaos is the worst boss in the entire game (and maybe series) in what is the laziest and worst part of the game (and maybe series).