
I play rounds of Age with my friend every once in a while. We usually team up and fight several AI bots. Can we do that here and is it different enough from Age of Empires II to make it a fresh experience for us?

I don’t just go to the cloud I back up games I like on hard drives. Usually the large games I don’t want to re-download like DOOM (2016) or GTA V that both range in the 60-70GB’s territory. I’m a bit paranoid about this stuff but I absolutely refuse to lose that much data if something goes wrong.

I tend to backup all my Dark Souls saves since I lost all my progress in DS3 because a hard drive decided to die on me back in 2016 (100 hours down the drain thanks to hardware failure). So I already got this covered. But it’s good advice. Honestly, most people need to back up their save files on something physical

The Gamecube controller is fine, but it’s not particularly exceptional for anything that isn’t a game for it. The C stick is too rigid and can’t be used for anything requiring two thumb sticks. The Xbox 360 controller and by extension the Xbox One controller are much better for pretty much anything. The Gamecube

I believe it is. The brutality and intensity is completely necessary for the kind of game they’re making. If you’re horrified and bothered by the violence it means they’re doing their jobs right.

Yeah, sure, but why would that show up at Bethesda’s conference?

I believe it’s what is known in the entertainment industry as Development Hell. I wouldn’t be shocked if the game get’s cancelled a few years from now.

So...EVE online?

Yeah, the game isn’t bad but it’s so run of the mill. The only memorable thing about it is it’s garbage ending. And I wouldn’t exactly say it’s a good thing. Needless to say I think I’m pretty much done with the Farcry games. They’re boring and insulting.

I managed to figure out the ending hours before I finished it and had a very hard time finishing it. My god, what a terrible ending. It basically says the end of the world happened because you had the audacity to stand up to the murderous cult leader. It’s like the writers pulled the rug out from under me and said he

I feel like Divinity Original Sin 2 did okay in that regard. It’s less the quantity of writing and more the quality with these things.

This is the exact same case for Divinity Original Sin 2. I loved that game so, SO much and a lot of the reason why is because everything was voice acted. Even the narration had a voice. It was so much easier to get through. I have been playing RPG’s like this for a long time too. I read almost every text document in

Hey now, I’m one of those people that really liked DS2. It’s flawed but I think there’s a lot of great stuff about it and it’s a worthy entry in the series.

If you’re not miserable playing this video game designed to be fun than you’re a casual! You have to be having the worst time possible in order to get the TRUE Dark Souls experience. /s

Oh for sure. The open world genre is kind of played out now. There are way, way too many games that went open world and lost any sense of substance. They feel like chores because most of what’s in them is busy work to pad it out. Some games do it exceptionally well like the Witcher 3 or Horizon Zero Dawn, but for thr

Yeah, feels like this whole trailer was a waste of time and money. The game will speak for itself tomorrow and if they really wanted to drum up hype they could have revealed it at E3. People like a good surprise at the ol’ electronic entertainment expo.

I’m intrigued. I really liked rage despite its many, many flaws and the mad max game was another deeply flawed game I liked despite it’s shortcomings. I hope it’s good, I’m always down for wacky post apocalyptic action games. Though I’m pretty skeptical. Could be good, but I am not convinced it will be anything

Honestly the game would have been a lot better if it rewarded more scrap as you progressed instead of it always being the same tiny amounts you get from the beginning of the game. Like I get resources are scarce in that world but that is one of those things where gameplay and fun should have superceded narrative and

I’ve seen gameplay of it. I honestly have no idea how that worked. At least with the switch there are lots of buttons and a touch screen.