Hell it’s a luxury I can justify and I still don’t see much of a reason to. The standard Ps4 is fine, it works great and the exclusive games are still breathtakingly beautiful to look at. I have a pretty good pc for most of my gaming and the console is just there for the stuff that isn’t on pc. I’m not exactly a…
If only Sony gave a damn about it :/
Oh they’ll get the hint. They will just completely ignore it.
That’s what I ended up doing. I’ll play the game, but I refuse to give them a cent.
That’s what I ended up doing. I’ll play the game, but I refuse to give them a cent.
Welp, guess I can finally get this game. I’ve been wanting to play it but I refused to buy it based on this crap. Now I just might get it...at sale price.
In the interest of fairness shadow of the colossus did have a few tweaks to its gameplay to help modernize it. Other than that though you’re spot on. A remake should preserve the original gameplay as much as possible.
Seems like square Enix is only interested in developing games, not do much releasing them. I mean hell, how often have they made a new engine or announced new projects without ever even finishing what they’ve got? It really makes me wonder just how chaotic and disorganized everything is over there.
Trouble is they benifit from ignorant consumers who don’t realize what loot boxes are. It allows them to keep running this gambling racket mostly unchecked. The more wise to the act people get the less they can exploit children and people with addictive personalities.
Star Wars Battlefront II. They removed it because of the backlash but it shipped that way.
The biggest thing is they need to regulate it so micro-transactions aren’t predatory or manipulative in the way gambling is. That and they shouldn’t effect gameplay in a meaningful way like giving a player an advantage or making it extremely difficult to get the true ending of a game. They shouldn’t be woven into the…
This is a step in the right direction but I don’t feel like it’s enough. Loot boxes and the like are gambling. And in a 60 dollar game that’s bullshit. The ESRB needs to just go all the way instead of this half measures crap.
I’m not entirely sure
Time and place, dude. Time and place.
Holy shit, that’s horrifying. I’m genuinely glad they’re okay. I’ve followed and been a fan of Gavin’s for a long time. It’s shocking that somebody would do this.
I feel like that’s not what is important here, dude.
I’ve finally gotten around to this classic with the ps4 version. I’m really kicking myself that I waited this long because damn if this isn’t one of the most engaging games I’ve ever played. Shadow of the colossus really manages to live up to the hype in a way few classics from that era do. If only they could have…