
Fucking elven gods. Who needs ‘em?

Solace is one of the best villains Bioware has ever written and if I get the chance to kill him in dragon age 4 you better beleive I’ll put him down like the rabid dog he is. I cannot stand him. Even before I knew he was the dread wolf I thought he as an ass hole. Now he is an ass hole who is gonna destroy the world

This is what I love the most about the New Colossus. The game has a lot to say and it doesn’t much care if you’re uncomfortable. The developers are bold in their direction for the series, using it as a mirror to our own society and how disturbingly relevant a game about killing Nazis in an alternate timeline where

I’m definitely more inclined to play it handheld. Mostly because I think it’d insanely cool but also because I can have TV shows or YouTube videos on my TV and play games. Plus, why even have the console If you’re not gonna mess around with the primary feature?

Same here. Mario in particular seems to be of it a lot more from playing it docked because of the motion controls.

I agree completely. However, the alt-right (Nazi) shit stains that got triggered by Wolfenstein made it political in this era. By making their side of the political spectrum the one that endorses racism.

It’s so crazy how political Wolfenstein 2 is despite not really trying too hard. Like, a lot of the subtext and straight up allegory would work divorced from the context of the real world. The fact that they’re dealing with Nazis being in control makes it totally logical for a lot of these beats to play out. Like how

You know I actually think this could work quite well. A film of this subject matter is full of potential tension and drama much like the game.

Seriously, I have too much shit to do in two days.

I feel like the kinnect was not the only part of what knee capped the Xbox one’s launch. The always online bullshit and no used games and focus on TV really hurt the thing too. The kinnect certainly was a factor but the entire attitude Microsoft had and the shit they tried to pull is what made it so easy for Sony to

One thing I can’t stand is the box art for dragon age inquisition. It’s really good, don’t get me wrong. But it ditched the red and white color scheme and now it looks awkward next to the other two games on the shelf. It’s silly, I know, but man does it get on my nerves.

Why are Nintendo peripherals so bloody expensive?

Why are Nintendo peripherals so bloody expensive?

If there is one thing I’ve learned about the AAA game industry it’s that just when you think they’ve sunk to the bottom they’ll go lower.

Okay, seriously, this is getting out of hand. There is only so much consumer trust publishers can erode before it gets to a breaking point with this bullshit, right?

I’m willing to accept that compromise to play it on the go.

I mean, when you and your buddies get upset over a game about killing Nazis its hard not to draw the conclusion, friendo. You may not be a Nazi but you’re in the same group as them. Maybe examine why that is and try to understand that when your ideology attracts Nazis, the kkk and white nationalism maybe you’re the

Why do none of these people ever bother to examine why it is they get lumped in with Nazis? You would think if they’re being associated with a group like that they might wonder why. Of course that would require some self awareness. Or admitting to themselves that their ideology is toxic.

Since we’re saying nice things about Bethesda, it’s also nice that when they announce a game it’s usually withing 6 months of it’s release. Everybody else announces and shows off pre-alpha stuff years in advance and then what we get is completely different and looks worse. I admire their commitment to showing off

Didn’t take long to find the random douche bag in the comments complaining about this. His reasoning is that it will encourage people to punch him because he is a Trump supporter. He doesn’t realize why it might be a problem that Trump supporters and neo nazis are synonymous. Either that or he is a neo nazi and, like

That’s nuts because I am at the exact same point in the game as you and I too have no intention of going for three final divine beast any time soon. Gotta admit, breath of the wild absolutely nails the sense of adventure that comes from exploring the wilderness.