
Yeah, I’ve found the game to be quite fetch questy and frequently devoid of depth. That said once you get to the main story stuff the game comes alive. In that way I feel like it might be a bit too big. On the flip side the world is very impressive and a blast to explore. I don’t know, I’m really into it too but I get

I’m not sure I’ll go so far as to 100% the game but who knows. It’s an easy game to turn on and zone out to so I’ll likely be playing it for months.

I picked up a Switch last week and I can’t pull myself way from this game. It’s not perfect but damn if it ain’t compelling.

Well, let me rephrase. There is only one ending in Arkham Knight and you need 100% completion to see it. You literally have to go through the painstaking and long process of finding all the Riddler trophies to beat the game. This isn’t like Metroid where I get hiding a better ending behind time and item collection.

I think the biggest problem for me is how incredibly unnecessary this whole loot box system is. All it seems to have done is made what should have been a big hit into a big controversy. I’m completely uninterested in buying this game any time soon, if at all, because of this. Especially since the true ending is

To be fair, New Vegas was sheltered from a lot of the bombs because of Mr. House but I get what you’re saying.

Third option: play New Vegas. It is definitely the best of the modern fallout games by a country mile.

Trouble is the other factions do it too, just not to the degree of the minutemen. After a while you get boring repetitive radiant quests from everybody. You can’t really avoid it. Bethesda designed the whole thing that way. I’d trade all that settlement and radiant quest bullshit for like 10 genuinely good side quests

When you start veering into racist and misogynistic territory and accusing everybody of being triggered when you say shit like that? Yeah. I get being against extremes on the left. I’m a life long liberal and sometimes the “SJW” crowd annoys the crap out of me. Problem is the only people that use SJW unironically tend

I’m not 100% sure if it’s US only, and you are right, the sales are still quite impressive by the standards of the industry. Regardless, there is a noticeable decrease in sales year after year which means less people are buying the games. That was the point I was making. When the guy basically said “Don’t like it,

I can’t speak for the original poster but I get the feeling lots of people have stopped buying the series. Mostly for the reasons he stated. Series is boring, it’s never gone long enough to miss it and lacks any serious innovation to justify most entries. Also the series has sucked since like MW3, but that’s just my

Is it really even edgy to say call of duty is stale and boring now? Because I think a lot of people have been saying that for a while now.

The game works fine for me on windows 10 when I run it in windows 95 compatibility mode.

Oh yeah, I really like Fallout 3. Hell, it gave way to Fallout New Vegas, the best Fallout game in my opinion. The problem is how the genre has been applied to literally everything and then used as a crutch. The radiant quests and lack of structure in the game is why it’s become generic. Everybody else was doing that

Excellent point. You’re totally right. Most of those radiant quests are just repeats of ones you did earlier. Same location, same objective, sometimes even the same nameless NPC’s. Because who needs actual characters who exist in a world to give context to why you do anything? CONTENT!

The problem is radiant quests overflow your quest log and drown out everything else. Also they are a poor replacement for real side quests with substance. It was a cheap, lazy and redundant way to throw in a ton of quests so they can brag about how much content they have in the game. Much like the settlement system

It’s really amazing just how great Fallout 1 still is despite it’s age. The story and originality is crazy. Just kind of saddens me how the series has been reduced to a generic open world game with bad writing and a ton of annoying busywo-sorry, Preston is telling me another settlement needs my help.

The key to being a big fan is to not make a huge deal out of it to other people. Otherwise you’ll likely just turn them off to the whole thing and look like a weirdo. Enjoying a TV show, movie or video game is great, but don’t take it too seriously.

Oh yeah, as a co-op game re5 is great. Trouble is that kind of hurts it in the long run. Re4 holds up so well because it was designed and scripted in a way that is highly replayable on it’s own. But without a friend 5 is a slog. Re4 is endlessly enjoyable singleplayer. Also 4 doesn’t take itself too seriously like re5

Oh yeah, I have lots of cherished memories of me and a buddy of mine riffing the shit out of re5 and 6 back in the day.