
“The United States has such a fraught history with race”

This is the homage Nina Simone would have expected.

I see they have the token black guy just to make sure they don't get accused of racism. I remember when I first heard about the biopic, it was suppose to have Mary J Blige. She would've acted the hell out of this role. I hope black people don't go see this mess. Blackface at its finest and shame on Zeldana for going

This is how he really looked before his defense team reinvented him as a harmless nerd:

Well, his life better be in shambles. He’s a rapist. He gets zero sympathy from me.

I’ve gotten stuck on this ride at the Orlando location, Nothing like having a dementor in your face while having your body just dangle for 10mins. THANKS HARRY.

Vincent Frank now joins every other iPhone user who has been “ducked over” by autocorrect.

A girl from a modest financial background reporting a rape by a multimillionaire to the police. LOL.

I liked Superman Returns more than most people, but, yeah. I couldn’t get behind Bosworth as Lois Lane. She was only 23 when the movie was released. She seems nice and all and I’ve seen her be not terrible in other things. But she couldn’t even convincingly be a brunette.

Same age difference as me and my husband. We met when I was a bit older, but not by much. Of all the ways this was an abysmal match, I think their ages are the least consequential.

It’s almost as if we live in a terribly sexist and misogynistic patriarchy...

Yeah, statistics based in reality don’t back up your claim women “do this all the time.”

Parents: teach your kids how to deal with disappointment and recection

No. I wish there was. Psychotic abusers seem uncannily good at pretending to be nice, normal people. Until after you let them move into your apartment.

Bro. Look at the quote above and think about what it really means. Women live in a world where they get murdered by exes much more than men do. It’s not that the guy dying isn’t a bad thing, but this was a comment on the culture at large, where women don’t have the privilege of feeling safe as much as men do. It’s not

Yeah, because another man couldn’t deal with a woman not wanting to be with him. What’s your point?

Think real hard about whether that fact actually undermines the OP’s point.

You mean...he might have to go to Cornell?

Oo a whole year in jail, I’m sure his victim will get her wish of him “not being able to do this again” since he’ll be locked up for so long and face consequences severe enough to deter him from repeating the crime... Dude even gets to be free on bail while they appeal his conviction which will take how many years

CNN is reporting that Owen Labrie’s parents begged the judge for no time, saying that losing his Harvard acceptance was punishment enough. If you ever want to see how this level of entitlement, assholeness and shittery happens, look no further than the parents. I wish them the worst.