
I respect your right to have an opinion but that man looks like the lowest-possible-rent Draco Malfoy cosplayer.

I feel old.

If I’m paying 31 million buckaroos for my wedding, it must include Idris Elba interrupting the proceedings, declaring his everlasting love for me and marrying me on the spot while David Bowie sings “Life on Mars.” For starters.

Can’t pregnant woman, just be pregnant? ?

“I’m not a heartless, child-kicking racist.”

“Feel Like Bacon Love”

Is anyone getting a Natalie Dormer as Margaery Tyrell vibe from Denise?

Thanks. I feel like the men’s rights dudes from Reddit accidentally stumbled on over here.

Eh. I did it.

Let me reiterate one more time...her cheating is according to him. We have no idea if these accusations are even true.

Just picking up where Friis’ retrograde slut shaming lawsuit left off.

Keep in mind the fooling around is according to him. I’m sure a billionaire dude who’s barely 40 was totally faithful to her. Just like I think I just saw a pig fly by my window.

I told a story about my mom giving me a Toni Home Perm so that my already curly hair should be more “Shirley Temple” like. I wound up with a “high and tight” (exaggeration) and the waitresses would ask “and what will the little gentleman be having”

What about Harry Potter ridable brooms?

A mom once came into the kid’s bookstore / toy store where I worked. Her son (age 5 or so) was with her and he was over the moon with joy because she was buying him a pair of our Dorothy-Style, glittery, “ruby slippers” for his birthday. She was super chill about it, thrilled that he was so happy, and all of us on the

When I worked at a kid’s bookstore I once had a customer ask if a book came “in a girl version,” because she didn’t want to give a girl the “boy version.” I must have looked at her like she had three heads, as I tried to explain that books aren’t sold in that fashion. She kept insisting that she could not buy a girl

I am sorry, and I *feel* you about how maddening that everyone else seems to just ‘end up’ preggers. FWIW, when hubs and I had trouble conceiving, I couldn’t help but think of all the birth control methods I’d used in the previous 18 years and laugh bitterly. How could I know my cervix was Goalie Supreme #1 all along?

I’m right there with you. My husband and I have been trying for a year and a half. I just assumed that when I went off my birth control it would happen within a few months. Trying to keep it together but every time I get my period I feel like a failure.