
I say this without a shred of irony or sarcasm: when are white men going to stand up and pressure each other to get themselves under control?

I’m in for a strong 5’5”

Sometimes a rolled up hundred dollar bill just isn’t fancy enough.

This is the double standard trans women are forced into. We aren’t “woman enough” for some people because we lack the “right experiences”, as if every cis woman on earth has the same experiences (thanks for that one, clueless white feminists), but we are being “gender essentialist” if we suggest for even a second that

I wanted a 3 tier square shape, small and simple. My ex husbands mother claimed to be the cake boss of the rural south and “could whip that up easy peasy.” She kept me up to date on cake progress and everything she was super stoked, and I bought the hype. Come the day of our wedding (April fools day actually) we get

That was epic. I’m almost speechless, like BrianLA said this guy should go into celebrity speech apology writing. Not that I hold that Jason did something really awfully wrong, just he is damn good at expressing himself in writing and trying to be a stand up dude.

Damn. He should start a business writing celebrity apologies, that was amazing.

to his credit, George Jason Alexander posted this on twitter

First off: APPLAUSE. Loved this, Sarah.

I joined the Menstrual Cup Club about two months ago and I will not fucking shut up about it. BLOOD CUPS FOR EVERYONE!!!

As a proud member of Menstrual Cup Club, I am obligated to follow the first rule of Menstrual Cup Club, which is you always talk about Menstrual Cup Club.

I’m gay and watched the Diane Sawyer interview with my big brother. Bless his heart, he kept looking over at me and asking “Yo bro, you had to deal with this?”, and I’d gently say “No, same community; different experiences”. It was honestly adorable.

I have frequently questioned this family’s fame- hell, I have questioned their existence. If THIS is why they are here, though... shut my mouth, they are doing good things.

I’m no Kardashian/Jenner fan, but I applaud them. This is a groundbreaking moment in television. I hate to admit it, but it is. I went through this with a dear friend, and I’m not proud to admit I had a very difficult time. I’m lucky I had no cameras recording some of the hurtful things I said and did. I’m also lucky

I might actually watch this.

Eye heart ewe.

HORK. Nope nope nope. Insert nopetopus and that picture of the cat cramming itself into the bathroom wall corner so it doesn’t fall in the bath.

Oof. I got a foot one once-he wanted me to take a picture of my foot stomping on a cake. WUT. NO.

oh my god that legit made me nauseous

personal fave.