
Can you imagine if his arms did bend back like that? Who is he, Laura Palmer?

Rowling is amazing and she suffers no fools. Every so often someone comes across her feed accusing her of some bullshit or raining down some homophobic nonsense and she SHUTS. THEM. DOWN. in the most classy way possible. I love her. I even forgive her for Fred.

Between the homophobe and the abuser I was really just hoping they’d beat each other to death.

She looks amazing. She ought to be ashamed of herself for giving money to two homophobic misogynists. These are two facts.

ETA: Everyone else there should be ashamed, too. Louis CK, Ben Affleck, all ya’ll just lined the pockets of two morally bankrupt people.

New slogan:

It really fucks with me because I can actually imagine how that affair started. Abusive as fuck, him promising to take care of her, him promising no one would ever love her like he does... knowing that whatever illness she suffers from would make her doubt her rational doubts! Ugh, this guy just... there are no words.

“Forgive me please, but that’s what you get when you play with people’s emotions.”

I completely agree. If you’re in a high stress job where you’re dealing with violent people on a regular basis, you need to know how to keep your temper and subdue people as peacefully and non-violently as possible. He apparently was unable to do that.

It’s not the same, but my mom works with emotionally disabled kids.

This is what I don’t get. My version of hell is sleeping with some dumb 19 year old I have to describe as “precocious” to people, while our relationship becomes me monologueing about my life views. However, I totally have a friend who I am pretty sure seeks out younger women (early 20s, late college at worst) because

For real. I’m an English prof married to an English prof (yes, we teach at the same college). Boring as hell and loving it. I get that movies are written by writers with Humanities degrees so everyone has an affair with the Humanities prof because of some wish-fulfillment thing, but come on. We read to each other at

no no no no COTD - comment of the day.


Yes, but this is a philosophy professor

The only thing worse than Woody Allen movies are the people who feel the need to defend Woody Allen. Things like, “He never adopted Sun Yi!”, “Mia Farrow used her mind control!” or “Theres nothing wrong with hitting on a girl once she’s turned 18!” I can stand the thought of a famous piece of shit, but I can’t stand

Woody Allen movies are essentially Nicholas Sparks novels for pseudo-intellectuals (or for a better visual, Woody Allen movies are essentially Nicholas Sparks novels with hipster glasses on): they’re formulaic, predictable, enforce shitty sexist stereotypes, are a little squicky, take themselves far too seriously,

I bet they all work in marketing and love juice cleanses.

I remember seeing Danny Elfman's name on the credits for Animal House and practically every movie since and figured he was about 130 years old.

OMG. It looks like Streep wore this same dress to a 2009 BAFTA event. She rocks!

It looks like she just got a few of the a la carte items done and not the Full Joan.