
By the way, not to get semantic, but I reread my original post, and I said so pregnant and that her belly was proportionally big compared to her tiny size. I at no point called her big, just REALLY pregnant. Now I have all sorts of people jumping on me for calling her big or abnormal, when I did no such thing, at

The same thing happened to me. It sucks. I'm 5'3" and my husband is 6'4". Our baby was 9lb, 10oz at birth, so it was fun to tell people "HA! THAT'S WHY I WAS SO BIG!" But even if our baby was 5lbs, I mean, hello! I grew a CHILD!

I feel like that is just what petite people look like when pregnant. Exhibit A, me, 8 months along.

That's really not looking like shockingly pregnant. I mean, it's pretty damn pregnant right there, but it gets way way pregnanter.

I'm vaguely disappointed that I can't find a picture of Panettiere with both of the Klitschko brothers, so here's a picture of the happy couple at Oktoberfest.

Her child will probably grow up to be Brianne of Tarth.

I can't "pull off a bikini" now, and I've never been pregnant...except with a burrito baby.

I swear, Hollywood pregnancies have really clouded our judgement. She is "SO big" by Hollywood standards. Not a lot of normal women can still pull of a bikini at this stage.

I have literally never seen a more pregnant looking person. She is just so tiny and compact and her belly got SO big by comparison. It was insane. I even remember showing a picture to my boyfriend, who thought it was stupid that I was showing him a picture of a pregnant celebrity, until he was like "holy shit, is she

I'm sick of hearing about the hurt manfeels. Nothing pushes me to the radical fringes of Feminism faster than dudes whining about their hurt feelings.

I don't regret it because he was a nice guy and had his own apartment, so it was convenient. I was 19, ready to get it over with, and terribly impressed that he lived by himself (he owned a HOT PLATE!) I do regret, however, that we were watching Joe Vs. The Volcano and that is the visual I always associate with

I posted about my first dude downthread, but just had to say, my second experience...was with a male stripper.

update: i just Googled him, and he still lives in my town. my dream could become a reality.

It was our first time.

I lost my virginity at 16 to a dude who had a glow in the dark dick piercing. It was like a beacon, guiding me home.

Nah. She was a peach. I feel a little bad about her having to say her first time was with me though.

Raises hand. It was prom night and he told me if I didn't sleep with him that night he would dump me. I agreed because for some reason I thought he was too awesome to lose. He was a weightlifter who had hard callouses on his hands. He also thought ramming it in was cool. No warm up, no tenderness, nothing. It was so

My husband was a donut-doer in the sense that he spent most of high school driving horrible vehicles in circles and doing burn outs whenever possible. He spoke about it without grammatical error though.

The dude I lost it to works for my dad now... I'll call and he'll put me on speakerphone as they sit there and eat meatball sandwiches for lunch. I die.
