Land of the free …
Land of the free …
Depends: my daily commute used to be a little under 5 miles (one way), but there’s geography in the way: specifically what I’d call a hill, but flatlanders call a mountain.
While Fritz von Opel did finance the development of the first rocket-engined planes, the first to pilot one of these, the RRG “Raketen-Ente” (“rocket canard”), was Fritz Stamer (11 June 1928), who was the test pilot of Rhön-Rossitten-Gesellschaft (RRG).
Welcome to the club ;o) It’s presumably genetical, like the cilantro thing. I’m the only one among my family and friends who positively cannot stand the taste of cucumbers (same is true for watermelons and the like).
Good point. Even the nuclear-powered merchant ships weren’t commercially viable.
The seller must be a fellow European, seeing as he’s using the comma as a decimal separator.
we’re gonna impeach the motherfucker.
Not true. In private, you can “collect” whatever you want. It’s public display that’s illegal.
Only in the US.
Actual fact: both words are spelled (spelt) the same in Latin, but pronounced differently, and aren’t actually related.
Also (and this was an actual argument in the early days) the vehicle consumes fuel even if you’re not driving it.
What a surprise.
That’s exactly the point. Some phrasings sound better than others, but that’s not the same as a hard and fast rule (and your mileage may vary depending on dialect/sociolect etc.). Also, languages like English are living, breathing things that keep changing.
That’s one of those completely arbitrary “rules” that can be safely ignored. See also:
“Weihenstephaner” – the brewery is actually owned by the state of Bavaria.
If that thing derails at 700 mph, you won’t have nearly enough time to suffocate.
They appear to be getting rid of the the Hoffmeister kink
There’s a lot of problems with the “hyperloop” concept (which is why this idea, while over a hundred years old, hasn’t noticeably gotten past the stage of sci-fy illustrations and technobabble yet). The main bummer: any semi-serious accident (derailing, pressure leak, terrorist attack …) would almost certainly kill eve…