Grain Silo Croissant

Is this more female comedy like “Arent vaginas funny girls? Especially how weird men are? Fucking trump, am i right?”
Reminds me of that female comic who dressed as a man with a fake beard expecting her same jokes to get the audiance roaring, and when she bombed she walks outside to the sidewalk and starts crying like

Actually sunscreen works just fine as a leather treatment.

Whats up with this “Asylum is a totally legal and ok process” as if our asylum system isnt being abused to get a few free years in america to make money before being sent back? There is no asylum from poverty, and skipping past mexico is reason enough to deny them (You dont get to be a refugee in the country of your

Nah fam, Kill every south american entering.  If you didnt want ethnic cleansing, you shouldnt have fostered a diverse society.

> meant that everyone who wanted to own the equipment to print newspapers should be given the equipment for free. After all, they’re guaranteed a “free press!”

No, thats retarded.  The constitution, and especially the bill of rights is a list of negative rights, as in, things the government cannot do to you.  We dont

Coming back for another bite at this. The pirate/privateer thing was also for seizing ships legally, as well. It had little or nothing to do with arming yourself.  Also, a letter saying you were a privateer didnt stop you from being hung as a pirate if the wrong nation catches you.

If you live in a rural area, learn how to gather fresh water and keep firestarters, and a book on local edible plants.  It can seriously save your life.  You can use the plastic bag you use to keep the firestarters and book in to gather dew in the morning.

I was saying this during the election: "trump straight up has more executive experience than her and not much less public service experience. Unless you count being married to the president an elected office.

This is not how legal immunity works. A wide enough interpretation to “Subject to the jurisdiction” would see the children of enemy soliders, tourists and diplomats be granted citizenship rights. (There are rumors of vacation packages from china, isreal and russia to america expressly for giving your baby american

You bring up this argument and just gloss over ‘Subject to the jurisdiction thereof”?  Shame on you.  

Hmm, not quite. While pagan harvest holidays carry way back into prehistory, halloween as we know it, on the day we know it, is a catholic practice as a pre-”All-Saints” period feast before a fast. This (to this day uncommon in come protestant countries) holiday morphed into a sort of baby thanksgiving and party, to

You cant be both a privileged, controlling group and a terrorist. Thats not how terrorism works. You dont need to affect policy via violence if you control city hall. Terrorism doesnt mean “Violence i dont like” or “Authoritarian violence”.

You cant be both a privileged, controlling group and a terrorist. Thats not how terrorism works. You dont need to affect policy via violence if you control city hall. Terrorism doesnt mean “Violence i dont like” or “Authoritarian violence”.

Not so fast. Dont forget we are the reigning olympic all star dream team of genocide going back at least to the era of the Golden Horde. All it takes is a little birthright citizenship revoking here, a little welfare cut here to increase infant mortality, a little serbian style civil war and genocide there, and bang

What is your pre-2008 justification for this opinion? I dont think any of us are shocked by the Post-911 george W bush government, in a frenzy of federalist power grabbing, re-affirming its right to put asterisks on constitutional rights. In the 218-year “Pre-Heller” era of gun control, all we need to do is look at

Genocide and slavery arent terrorism. Terrorism doesnt mean “Violence i really dont like”.

When this country was founded you, a private citizen, could buy a ship and outfit it with cannons. You could own a modern battleship. How does that square with your “private gun ownership is an NRA lie” idea? Also regulated meant “provided for” not “regulation”. Feel free to point out the 18th century reasonable regula

Only for idiots who think nationalism is white nationalism, and white nationalism is white supremacism, and white supremicism is authoritarianism, and authoritarianism is naziism.

I’d still very much like to know how foreigners coming en masse to enter the country is not  an invasion.  Asylum is not a buffet and you dont get to bypass 2 or 3 perfectly safe countries in order to turn yourself in at the border.  They know their asylum hearing is going to be turned down and they just want a free

Lol at how all of a sudden protected constitutional rights are important to the radical left. Owning a battleship and machinegun were constitutional protected rights in the past.  Slavery and segregation were constitutional rights.  Why is it that everything you like is locked down and legal forever the moment you get