The problem is they create a “LATINX DEATH CAMPS” firestorm if you hold them until their hearing, and disappear into the population and become illegal aliens if you dont. Lose-lose.
This crunch is common in software development compared to most industries and is a big reason why you see mostly dudes working there: If you’re a new mother and need to take time off to pick your kid up from daycare and get them off to bed, you’re straight up contributing 30-40% what the rest of the team members are,…
If only he was a 28 year old white woman JOURNALIST, he would have the sage wisdom to be president
If only he was a 28 year old white woman JOURNALIST, he would have the sage wisdom to be president
The idea that victims are automatically blameless continues to be the dumbest idea possible. Victims very often cause or contribute to their victimization.
Who did the proud boys beat up that was random? Are you talking about the NYC thing? Where they were stalked by dudes in masks leaving a peaceful meeting, glass thrown at them, and punches thrown? Losing a fight you started doesnt make you a victim.
There is a wide gap between “Speak to a representative” and “Intimidate an opponent with a screaming, assaulting crowd”.
Yea, and look what ended up happening to him. He got shot to death and didnt stop racism at all. Fuck that guy.
Liberal does not mean progressive. Progressive does not mean liberal. Oil and water terms here.
I dont think joe has even claimed to be a republican for quite a while