Grain Silo Croissant

Im sure there is a credible allegation that people are beginning to use asylum requests falsely for economic migration (There is no human right to live in a wealthy country) it could be suspended temporarily and our treaties revised to prevent them getting in.  

Even if what you’re saying is correct that doesnt mean we need to help them.  Stepping on foreign necks to make our lives better is ok.

I mean what do we have an army for if not to prevent thousands of foreigners invading without our permission? Isnt this the textbook reason why you have an army?

I mean what do we have an army for if not to prevent thousands of foreigners invading without our permission? Isnt this the textbook reason why you have an army?

I mean what do we have an army for if not to prevent thousands of foreigners invading without our permission? Isnt this the textbook reason why you have an army?

But dont forget the fascist elected in 2018 is the fault of white americans because of CIA operations in the 1950s.

The UK is not a free country and has not been for a very long time.

Exposing guns continues to be the dumbest tactic.  You need that 1-2 seconds of “Oh shit, is that a GUN!?” shock to shoot the person.  if they’re ready, you just increased your chances of losing that fight.  What the hell do you gain?

> To understand Bolsonaro’s rise one needs to examine the previous 15 years in Brazil—an era marked by the greatest economic and educational advancement by blacks in the country’s history.

Its almost as if this policy destroys nations.  Hmm..... 

Getting out of politics for a while might be good for your health.  There will always be another politician you hate and there will always be another election.  Paying attention to this stuff too much can seriously shorten your lifespan.

Maxine wanted incivility and she sure got it.  Dont act like she didnt start this fire.

Err, which side has masked thugs punching people in the streets, again?  Thats not violence?

The republican party IS america, or at least a significant part of it. Its anger and reactions are a product of the other part of america wanting to harm america to make life better for foreigners, in some misguided attempt to create a world utopia where humans all help each other live better lives. I dont think

> Dutch’s gang lives at the fringes of society, out in the sort of untamed wilderness that, in 2018, is becoming harder and harder to find.

Spoken like someone who rarely leaves new york city, exept by plane to Los Angeles or Denver.   Try driving two or three hours out of town. Most of america hasnt really changed

Dont pearl clutch and act like political terrorism started wednesday.  We’ve been under the threat of marked “punch a nazi” soy boys for over 2 years now.  Thats textbook terrorism and has absolutely risen to the level of deadly violence.   If you wanna do the civil war thing, we’re down.  Boom.

Are you seriously acting like terroristic violence is unique to the right?  Im not even “bothsides-ing”.  Every masked “punch a nazi” boy (of which im sure there are plenty in these comments) is a textbook terrorist, and we’ve been under their threat for 2 years now.

Guns being legal doesnt make it ok to shoot people.  Shock, i know.  I mean they dont ban cars after islamic trucks of peace.

Im a liberal democrat and im thrilled with bombing progressives.  Liberals are not progressives.  Oil and water.

Im thrilled with the “fuck civility” crowd on the left. The plan voting for trump was always to create violence between the left and the right and break america into factions.   America doesnt work for me anymore.  Maybe one of the factions of the former america will.  Violence is desirable.

Send NBC some bombs.  They’re the bad guys, too.