Grain Silo Croissant

Can we talk about braided hair being cultural appropreation being on this “harmful to the message” list as well? There isnt a single civilization that didnt independently develop tightly braided hair.  In a world without showers and baths it just makes sense.  Can we cool it every time a white girl shows up with

Promoting immigration and democracy is not ideal.  Its not a consperacy theory hes actually harming america and europe.  I wish he had died and i hope someone gets him soon.

People need to not backpedal from violence. The status quo is creating an america we cannot be alright with and violence is the only answer. Attacking obama and clinton is petty, but if soros and maxine waters wound up blown to chunks i’d shout from any rooftop that would have me about how happy i was to hear it.

The SRT6 is still a serious sports car.  The main criticism is like “its american” or “Its based on an old SLK platform”. and you cant take people seriously who have those opinions.

Thinking you are not the gender you were assigned at birth, barring a massive fuckup by a hospital, is a sign of serious mental illness. Your sex falls between two things: Your chromosomes. Any fuckups from hormones during gestation are mental illness.  Fuck you. 

Im not screaming false flag, someone on the right could have done it. Im just sad none of these people died. (exemption for obama and clinton who i dont think are evil).  You might think we might shrink away in the event of actual violence.  No.  I want progressives to die.

“Wah wah the NPC meme is dehumanizing”
“Our opponents are literally russian bots”
“These two things arent comparable

I dont think they are pretending, packages without a return address say “bomb” to any postal employee with half a brain, so if its going to fail to be delivered, why not send it to a secondary target?

Fuck your law, kill every last one.

It should be noted, this is far more people than we parachuted into france on d-day. This isnt an invasion force.... how? This is a problem for the army to handle, especially if their numbers swell in mexico

Now playing

Absolute props for featuing the best internet video about a news story in history as the thumbnail:

Gee, i wonder why “Colleges and Universities” are so popular.

Straight up im less likely to hire someone with a degree, haha.  I still will, but i need assurances you wont call for a diversity officer at any point.

Thats what you get for promoting a multicultural society.  I hope lots of progressives die soon. 

First of all: ‘GOT EM BWAHAHHAA’. Fuck it looked like they were going to ban machineguns in florida for a second there.

Secondly:  Did any black people ever really listen to “The Doobie Brothers”?  Even at the time?

You guys started the “punch nazis” fight last year, you lie down with dogs, you get up with explosive devices. I look forward to this cold war going hot. You all deserve nothing but the worst.

You guys started the “punch nazis” fight last year, you lie down with dogs, you get up with explosive devices. I look forward to this cold war going hot. You all deserve nothing but the worst.

I’d be solidly ok with a mass casualty event at CNN. The organization is using the cover of journalism to promote a multicultural, anticolonial, antipatriarichal society in america. They need to go to work everyday afraid for their lives and the lives of their families until they stop doing this. We didnt establish

I’d be solidly ok with a mass casualty event at CNN. The organization is using the cover of journalism to promote a multicultural, anticolonial, antipatriarichal society in america. They need to go to work everyday afraid for their lives and the lives of their families until they stop doing this. We didnt establish

> yes, straight men can enjoy anal play while still remaining straight as an arrow.

Sorry, women, even trained female sex therapists, dont get to dictate the rules of masculinity.