Never apologize to the NPCs. Leave NBC with both middle fingers in the air and a big fat multimillion dollar severance package if you must, but if they get a drop of blood, they own you forever.
Never apologize to the NPCs. Leave NBC with both middle fingers in the air and a big fat multimillion dollar severance package if you must, but if they get a drop of blood, they own you forever.
The way they write people of color comic characters in (((current year))) is shocking. They’re always a put-upon soulful saint who has no internal struggle or failures, the only failure is that of society to accept them for who they are. A protagonist that changes his world instead of himself is a complete failure of…
The gentrification argument is always hilarious in media because its POC literally adopting white supremicist “blood and soil” arguments about who has the ‘right’ to the land, but “its ok when we do it, but not ok when they do it”.
Shows (clap emoji) with (clap emoji) POC (clap emoji) (clap emoji) casts (clap emoji) are (clap emoji) less (clap emoji) popular (clap emoji)
They sent a bomb to the white house as well. If its a trump fan, its a passive-aggressive one.
A bomb got sent to the white house, too. Those trump hating right wing terrorists, lol.
as of 10:30, CNN is saying they attempted to mail a bomb to the white house, as well.
as of 10:30, CNN is saying they attempted to mail a bomb to the white house, as well.
The metric of “good debate” isnt “effectively hurt the republican” and leaked sources are still considered to be unethical in journalism. (no, blogger, you are not a journalist)
We didnt start the fire. (for the record i’m against civility. I want any kind of progressive protesters killed in the streets. James fields did nothing wrong.)
Terrorism doesnt mean “Bad violent crime i dont like”. You cant both hold the opinion that white men have structural control of society, and that white men are terrorists. You cant be a terrorist and control the society you’re trying to influence via violence.
Aww thats sad :( I mean with the george soros story i thought ‘Well thats ok, he deserves to die” but both hillary and obama are good people. Boo!
Lol, fuck the today show. As if we care about Matt Lauer’s sloppy seconds, the two lesbians and the colored squad?
What? They just found the bomb. They can’t know who sent it. They said the same thing about the YouTube shooter “oh itll be some angry white conservative. Duh.”
Deal. Also you're a blogger, not a journalist.
Holy fuck can anyone in this story speak english? We need english exams before you breed or something. Fuck.
a world where little white girls take that much pride in themselves is heartening. Thank you.
Who says they are welcome?
As usual the take is "its not happening and if it was, it would be justified.". And WE are considered the gaslighters? Every inch of progress needs to be fought and pushed back.
We are not trying to make the crossing into america safe. I mean, either they die now or die in the ethnic cleansing in a few years. The blood lust can only wait so long.