With a feather headdress
With a feather headdress
But... the point of a dickey is to cover the cleavage.... this covers what lays above that. Boobs would still be fully displayed with this. Lol
I can wear a nurt, I am an adult, I have EARNED THIS RIGHT!
I guarantee someone will wear this at Coachella.
Yeah it’s actually a chin guard.
ohh I think I figured out purpose of this shirt, it’s keeping boobs from jumping up when you walk.
I am an old person, and this is a “dickey.” My schoolteacher aunt had them in all colors because she always wore jackets to work, and would not show an inch of chest skin, but frequently had hot flashes so she could not wear a full shirt.
Bless his heart. Must be so hard to go through life with a brain that small.
It’s not. But that’s the hypocrisy. Women are sexual objects pretty much up for grabs as soon as men say so. But boys? Not the same.
Of all the hairs to split....
Just keep diggin’ that grave with your big fat mouth, Miles.
I believe the medical guideline of sexual maturity is, “If there’s grass on the field...”
“You’re misunderstanding what pedophilia means. Pedophilia is not a sexual attraction to somebody 13 years old, who is sexually mature. Pedophilia is attraction to children who have not reached puberty. Pedophilia is attraction to people who don’t have functioning sex organs yet who have not gone through puberty.”
What about people who interact with underage boys? Are we supervising them too?
I understand where you are coming from, but then what about every adult and every child in every situation? How would we accomplish that? It essentially means doubling the staff working with children, in every setting.
i mean #notalldoctors but predators look for a way to be in contact with their prey.
The most logical conclusion to which I arrived is that they recognize that facial recognition is A Thing and that pictures on the Internet never go away, so by hiding their faces they can hopefully prevent embarrassing questions in future job interviews.
“I’m 100 percent that our people did what they need to do,”
“Again, do I like to have babies born in our jail? No,” Wickersham said.