Negligence can be just as dangerous as calculated malice when the stakes are this high.
Negligence can be just as dangerous as calculated malice when the stakes are this high.
“To wrap it up, the main character certainly spent most of the book On the Road, which is probably where it gets its title. But is the road a metaphor? I think it’s pretty clear”.
That there are still people who think he’s doing/will do a good job is astounding to me. He’s failing worse than I could have imagined.
You may have missed the bit where he’s outsourcing National Security stuff to his Nazi pal.
The problem, though, is who is picking up the reigns when Trump abdicates responsibility at the slightest sign of work? Arch-Republican Ken Doll Mike Pence and dog-eared copy of Mein Kampf in a smelly burlap sack Steve Bannon.
“And so, in conclusion, it is my opinion that the third way to kill a mockingbird was the best of the book. The others seemed like they would be too hard. Thank you.”
I really think there should be a show where Trump and a random person off the street are asked questions about current events and policy. Even knowing how stupid the average person is, I bet they would still know more than the President.
One time, I forgot about a presentation I had in fourth grade. I didn’t research or read anything. Totally forgot about it for weeks. I did my best to wing it, but I only fooled the other idiot kids in the room, not my teacher. Every time Trump speaks, I hear that presentation.
Hey if they want to move to year round schools, I’m all for it. If I was paid for a 2,080 hour work year, I’d be making 100k.
You get that 3 month vacation, though!!!! And you never work past 3!!!! And you’re just glorified baby-sitters!!!
The amazing thing about the teachers union thing is this, by all metrics states with a strong union out perform states considered “right to work”.
Bitching about teacher’s union is a thing because it, I dunno, people are pissed we still get benefits or something.
Uh yeah and the fact that he is calling the judge’s ruling his “opinion”?? like dude no its the LAW not an idiotic man just willy nilly making decisions to suit his mood at the moment. some people are actually respecting the rule of law...
that he thinks what has happened here is an affront to law enforcement only further underscores the fact that he believes his word is law.
This is why pro-life should just be called what it actually is, anti-choice. No one’s demanding every pregnant woman get an abortion and good god, if you keep your child, good for you, no one gives a shit, it is in fact your personal choice and affects no one’s life but you and yours.
It behooves me to repeat that if…
For fucks sake, don’t want an abortion..........don’t get one!
I was planning on marathoning West Wing with maybe a break for a screening of All The President’s Men. But now I’m thinking about going to a rally at Bayfront Park.
People keep asking me why these things bother me so much, and why we should keep doing things like send aid or provide healthcare, and it’s seriously like, “I literally cannot explain to you how not to be asshole. Because that’s what this is, your gross inability to care for other people.”
My bf used to get super defensive when I pointed out his favorite movies were all of white men. It was so strange. He’s since expanded his taste and notices these things himself now. I have trained him well.
I don’t know about y’all, but my FB feed was mostly full of guys listing 10 bands composed entirely of men. When a couple of my female friends pointed out how revealing it is that so many guys could claim to have no female musical influences, surprise, surprise, all their male friends have gotten defensive, one called…