
As someone who looks years younger than my actual age, I get that - but people will always have fewer complaints or concerns about me because I’m male, so my ‘youth’ makes me exceptional rather than incapable. It’s really shocking how obvious the double standard is.

Seriously. Once you know about NPD it’s impossible NOT to see, and depressingly predictable. We can only hope HRC has an entire team of psychiatrists on staff able to advise on how best to leverage it.

What’s kind of funny is that his answer in the second debate about what he admired most about Hillary (that she’s a fighter and doesn’t quit) was obviously what he wished people would say about him.

In my days as an EMT, one big lesson instilled in us was that if someone on an emergency scene claimed to be a doctor or nurse, the patient we were called for became THEIRS until arrival at the hospital, so you’d better ask what their specialty is or where they worked in an effort to detect bullshitters or something

What “qualifications” are doctors supposed to fly with? Official copy of med school transcripts? Diploma? Fancy badge from facility they work at?

This is horseshit. Delta saying they let the doctor who produced documentation help is just absolute shit. My dad, a white male doctor, has helped patients on flights and has NEVER been asked to prove he’s a doctor. This flight attendant was racist and delta should not use “documentation” as a fall back story bc they

I’m just LOVING this “post-racial” society, y’all!

Honestly, if I was the passenger who fell ill I’d be mad as hell too. You nearly let me die because you’re racist and sexist? There was a qualified doctor offering to help and you GOT IN HER WAY? I’d be fucking furious.

In the book Black Robes, White Justice there is a similar story. The author, (a black judge) is awaiting medical treatment in an ICU along with a barely sapient white man reeking of booze and homelessness. The doctor, having been told “The honorable judge Wright is awaiting” him, comes past the curtain, looks at

His actions are truly baffling to people who haven’t had to deal with NPD (or didn’t know there was a name and a “logic” to it). THAT’S BECAUSE THEY DEFY LOGIC. That’s the ENTIRE point of their actions— just think about how you would act if you didn’t understand the perspectives of others, in any way.

“Bewigged creamsicle!” Oh, very good!

Like a glutton for punishment, I watched a couple minutes of that rally live on youtube. Two minutes was about as much as I could stand, featuring many of his ‘greatest hits’ (33,000 deleted emails!!), and the crowd actually chanting “lock her up!”. Which I’d read happened at his rallies, but was so jarring to see

Jesus, he really does think he’s rubber and everyone else is glue.

This times a thousand. How the entire population does not come to the exact same conclusion about this guy’s psycho-pathology is astonishing on so many levels. There is nothing that comes out of this guy’s mouth that isn’t pure, unadulterated projection. Not a thing. He really needs to forced in to an old fashioned

Ok, so this rally today was at the Portsmouth Toyota dealership—a dealership I had until yesterday relied on for services. Not anymore. I wrote them a scathing email and canceled my latest appointment. What’s funny is that Seacoast NH is mostly liberal, so they will definitely take a hit in local business for this.


Oh, good, I can repost this comment:

Trump will next criticize Clinton’s ill-fitting suits, her inexplicably orange skin, her tendency to loom over people, and her terrible comb-over. “I hear she just reaches out and grabs people by the pussy, is what I hear” reports Trump.

sorry, president evil, her drug tests are currently being audited.