
It’s not all that uncommon to try relatively young children as adults. We as a society have basically decided that there should be a separate system of justice for kids because their brains are still developing, unless they did something really bad, in which case fuck that.

Is there anything more 1980s than Trump and Tic Tacs?

“When Donald Trump asks us to Make America Great Again, he’s not suggesting a return to the past. He’s running to lead us back to that bright future.

Stand your Ground is for white men. There was a prosecutor in Florida (IIRC) who explicitly said that the law shouldn’t count for domestic violence victims.

It’s the best shit. Luxurious shit. Goose shit from the goose that lays the golden eggs. You’d kill to have that shit in your mouth, right? I’ve heard people say it, everywhere.

And the father who accidently shot his son to death at a range faces no repercussions. And the hundreds of parents who leave their children alone in a room with a loaded gun face no repercussions. And parents of children who kill their siblings with their guns face no repercussions.

Can someone please explain to me why many states are totally cool with Stand Your Ground laws/using deadly force to “prevent death or great bodily harm” but this little girl faces life in prison for shooting someone who repeatedly threatened to kill his entire family with that very gun?

I’ll just leave this tweet here:

I’m married and have two daughters. This allows me to see how awful these comments are. If I were still single (or gay-married with only sons as children), I couldn’t possibly denounce his comments. It would be impossible due to the lack of women in my life.

We’ve reached out to Tic Tac USA for comment on their fecklessness, and will update if and when we hear back. In the meantime, please, choose Certs.

Altoids on the other hand fully denounced Trump. Considering they are not involved in this, I found their statement to be curiously strong.

It’s pretty much the Catholic interpretation of the story of Onan, which is where they get the idea of prohibiting contraception. Ejaculation without the purpose of contraception, aka onanism, is seen as violating “natural law” and a sin.

Or even that she’s pleading for her husband not to get shot, while simultaneously pulling out her phone and filming it because it’s the only way she’d be able to prove what happened

At this point they’re fucked. Where the lie started and who started it, we will probably never know, but basically they know they’re caught and have to figure out what to do.

Carefully-worded “possession of a handgun” more or less confirms what everyone thought. He had a (probably legal) handgun in the car or on his person, but not in his hands.

Wouldn’t work here though. Our worst offenders are evangelicals, and they don’t think Catholics are even Christian.

“We found out later he had a handgun in the glove compartment”

You’d think the NRA and all the 2nd amendment cumwads would be all over this supporting his right to carry in an open carry state. Oh right, black guy. The 2nd amendment doesn’t apply to him!

The cell phone video was harrowing.