
“Get your rosaries off my ovaries” is my favorite!

I am glad this was posted because on here many do think that Irish people are not doing anything against this. Majority of Irish people do not support this backwards law.

I got one of those Chrome add-ons a few months ago that changes every instance of the phrase “pro life” to “anti-choice.” This is what your post looked like to me:

There’s a great documentary on Netflix called “The Mask I Live In” about the persistence of male aggression and crime and how a lack of positive male role models/involved fathers plus the false macho ideal of “masculinity” leads to self hatred and fear. It goes in depth on how men don’t know how to self reflect or

This is great - good luck Irish ladies! I hope your leaders start listening to you!

Ah, the Irish and their lyrical way with words. These signs are wonderful.

That’s my non legal expert take to. It seems like it’s extremely rare for media outlets to get into legal trouble for publishing videos, papers or other information they’re given. And for good reason. It would be pretty detrimental to freedom of the press.

But then, shouldn’t he be suing the person that filmed it and sold it? They would seem to be the one at fault for causing any harm.

I’m a little uncomfortable with the ruling. I mean if he didn’t know he was being taped in his own home that seems wrong to do to him. He can say whatever he wants there and shouldn’t be afraid of having his privacy violated.

Which sucks in the long run, because studying trends in gun violence could play a role in preventing it....and far and away the most prevalent trend among mass shooters is “male.”

Oh, it’s been a woman a couple times. I’m sure. If you attempt to talk about the fact that it’s predominantly men you’ll get inundated with MRAs talking about those female edge cases. Remember - it’s offensive to remind men that it’s mostly men committing violent crimes.

There was a prolonged thread about this on Gawker awhile back. The upshot was that if we talk about the fact that the vast majority of mass shooters are men, it would make men uncomfortable. And that’s just not fair.

Lots of nations have a lot of guns. But in the United States, guns *solve problems*. Also, it’s always a dude. Why does no one talk about that? It’s literally never been a woman, ever.

Yeah, my first thought is now, “you guys know this doesn’t happen in any other comparable country, right??” But, I don’t think many do.

I think that bans the entire Seattle area...


Speaking of things that it’s just not the time to get into right now --

We should ban all people wearing grey from entering the country.

Holy shit. I don’t live in Burlington, but I live one county over. I’ve been to that mall so many times. I’m so sick and tired of this. Too fucking close to home. How many more times does this have to happen? Those poor people.
