Thanks to @jeran_art for this awesome shot of me from the armor screen test.#DEATHSTROKE
Thanks to @jeran_art for this awesome shot of me from the armor screen test.#DEATHSTROKE
First Letter Guy:
Spend the $80 and get the Daydream Headset too. It’s short on content at the moment, but you can squeeze $80 worth of fun out of it with friends and family.
I was in exactly the same boat as you! And I loved my Nexus 6. The Pixel is smaller, btw. Even the XL.
Sorry, what was that about Marvel’s music sucking?
This legitimately happened to me. Hand to Glob.
So.....are they lesbians or not?
I wish I liked this game.
Their learning AI wouldn’t interface properly with the Hangouts API.
Are you for real, Matt?
Can we please just all agree that the DCEU is terrible?
It’s like the want us to hate them.
Eh...not so much. I’ll be watching because I first watched it like this;
I can’t stop laughing at this fucking train wreck!
If you don’t know you have it, you don’t either.
It looks like one of those people who’s eyes go off in different directions ever so slightly.
Cause you know I speak the true-true.
Yeah, but...dude. This looks good.