

Please. Stop.

Or maybe Gizmodo (and the network) has an axe to grind against Assange?

Why would you not simply be running an actual stable linux variant?

Jughead speaks! Coule Sprouse talks all things Jughead in a new video interview.

He, like me, can only get Spectrum (AKA Time Warner) at his house.

Haven’t seen Moana. Was...this a scene?

Go fuck yourself, Micheal! :-)

Look how happy he is...


So what the fuck is the scale?


lol. Okay....

Jesus Fucking Christ, we are Americans god damnit!

Dude, we’re not at war with Russia. lolwut?!

I’m learning a lot more personal things about you than I’d like to know...

How topical of you to compare me to Trump to earn some moral currency.

Because that’s not the argument we’re having!

You speak the all the truths.