
He portrays Kardashian as a weakling. Was Kardashian a whiny spineless idiot? I have no idea, but that’s how he’s coming across.

I think they both got really repetitive. Same jokes and skits over and over. The Fast Show went down that road as well.

I was just going to write that. The Russian ballet folks are a little whackadoodle and have been since time began. It’s toe shoes and tutus as dawn.

Yeah, I’m pretty well stacked and am something of an old and while other areas of my body are doing odd things (let’s not talk about my hips) the tits are fine.

My favourite, which I sadly remember, was ‘Number Two With a Bullet’.

You are a great aunt (or uncle). I was once given a CD with 99 fart tracks, all named. There were even some bonus tracks. Getting that after a lot of wine meant laughs all around.

I never got onboard with the Jolie is Great thing. I find her irritating and thirsty, particularly her photo-ops in 3rd world countries. I’m with Michael K when it comes to The Saint.

Farts always make me laugh.

This reminds me of the Lindsay Lohan as Elizabeth Taylor montage. Lots of sighs, long gazes into the middle distance, and helpless lone tears. I think Lindsay’s was more entertaining, though. I’m so distracted by the filler in Jolie’s face that I can’t concentrate on her Razzie-level shit acting.

Anything over three hours and off go the shoes. But yeah, not barefoot. Wear good socks and make sure your shoes are neatly tucked under the seat in front of you.

Agree, although if her off-screen rep overshadows her ability to do her job I can see where someone else would get hired. If they hire a white woman instead there would be the problem. I have no idea if she gets roles anymore. I think she’s kind of sucky as an actress so don’t really bother with her films.

Goopy always has bad style, particularly at awards shows. Not sure why her stylist hates her so much.

That was a one off. Halle Barry’s drama has been going for decades.

He’s quite the silver fox, no doubt.

I don’t know that I love him but I look at him and think, ‘There is one damaged guy. Hope he gets the help he needs.’ He doesn’t seem stupid, just fucked up, for whatever reason.

There are plenty of bright, colourful socks where I live and have been for years and years. That said, these aren’t horrible, if you’re looking for obvious slogan stuff.

I’m not losing my mind. I’m looking at an image of two women who live for attention and don’t give a shit about much else besides getting as much as possible. They’ll do whatever it takes. Cha-ching.

It really was good, although the ending seemed a bit rushed, particularly when you know who bit it so easily. I think the premise was so frightening because it was so plausible.

Between this and the two planes that were mysteriously forced to land due to unspecified illnesses on board I’m thinking of Station Eleven.

Never really got into Liz Phair for some reason but Siamese Dream burned a hole in my brain at one point.