
Wait a sec - this guy is only 31 and he has ten kids? With eight different women? Never mind a vasectomy, make sure he wraps it up, because something tells me he’s not just playing ball at home.

He struggled to remember their names? Who in hell would date, never mind marry, someone like this and think, ‘Yep, I got me a keeper right here.’. Oh yes, she’s special. Sheesh.

A lot of people treat bike riding as a toy or hobby, as opposed to a legitimate way to get around. Hell, ride your bike to the gym and back and then you only need to do strength training.

Just expressed a similar sentiment. Sure, you can’t do it in the winter as easily but get on your bike, peddle away, and you’ll get a great workout. Save the gym for the stuff you can’t do easily - perhaps rowing.

That’s always been my thing about spin classes: endless riding and you’re still on your stationary bike. I’d rather hop on my bike and get outside, and save the gym for stuff I can’t do otherwise.

Because he’s a narcissist and already sees those kids as an extension of himself, not as unique entities.

I cannot imagine what those kids will have for a childhood. My guess is they’ll take vows of celibacy before they enter nursery school and stick with it for life.

Interesting. Does she have any connection to the area or did she just randomly land there? She was born in Cyprus and educated in Europe/UK, so wondering why there.

He was a big Elvis fan and I think even did an Elvis tribute sort of thing in his teens, so the moves make total sense.

She texted him: “…You [led] me to believe you were single…What little trust I had left in me for men is completely gone because of you.”

Where does she live these days? I’ve tried to find out, after reading somewhere that she lives at the arse end of the world, but Google was not my friend this time around. Anyone know?

Schneider was sexy? Really?

Agree. I think he was funny as hell the last time he hosted. Didn’t see this one yet but imagine he managed to offend every vapid idiot in there. He gives so fucks and I like it.

The judge’s use of the Denny Law is a joke, because it had absolutely no bearing on this case. But hey, when an entire county is trying to bring you down they’ll use whatever they can get their hands on.

I think it’s the ex bf who deleted them. The fact that he handed a camera to the only people on the yard, along with his not knowing whether he met her morning, noon or night is enough to raise my hackles.

He didn’t actually request her by name, just said, ‘Send that same girl as last time’. the fact is that he was very open that she was coming out to photograph a vehicle. And the idea that he made her nervous has been completely overblown. Read everything on this case... and i’m sorry to say but Reddit has been quite

The basic problem is that the Manitowoc police should never have been on the scene in any way, yet they were the ones to ‘find’ ‘evidence’ many months and many searches later. That anyone would not raise an eyebrow at this is outrageous. And why were other suspects not followed up? Why and how did the ex bf ‘guess’

He has people working on his case already. Steven Avery’s counsel ran out so he was doing it all himself, which we can all agree would not get him anywhere. Now he’s been picked up again as a result of the doc, which makes me super happy, if only because the power of art is amazing sometimes.

Which must mean something in the middle of fucking nowhere.

Hahahah... seriously, when I read those texts I was laughing my ass off. What an who and so happy that smug mother fucker is being brought down. What a whiney voiced piece of shit Ken Kratz is. And a sexual predator. Fuck him. Thankfully his wife divorced him,