
Chatuchak market is the best, so exciting and fun.  

Be brave and haggle. Haggle the price of your taxi ride, haggle the price of your souvenirs, and have fun doing it. Thailand is the land of smiles, so remember that haggling is not rude, and they expect you to haggle. If you pay the first price they offer, they just consider that the stupid tax.

Is the point of this article that riders do not deserve a choice of taxi, they do not deserve good pricing and availability, because it hurts those that have been doing this for a while? City Cabbies and Uber drivers are both people, and both deserve a chance to compete in a fair market.  Favoring NYC Cabs over Uber

It is unjust to say that the city of nyc deserves the medallion money. Drivers and consumers should not pay more just to benefit a city that does not do anything extra for them.  Regulations are fine, but they should be a light touch.

I don’t see that the article mentions how America has way more C-sections than most other developed nations, and that certainly contributes to the blood loss issues.

Unbreakable does deserve it’s own post, simply for the long term impact it had on comic book fans, the incredible realism stuck with us and I think it shaped a lot of the stories after that.

My wife has MS and when she gets too hot, it triggers terrible symptoms. How can I take her out on a hot summer day and do stuff?

Doxxing someone is bad. It does not matter if you are doxxing a bad person, it is still a bad act to doxx someone. Twitter was right to temporarily suspend the accounts. Pointing at other rule breakers that have not been punished is like my kid telling me that he should not be punished for hitting because yesterday

It has been two years since those statistics were created in the article you referenced. But the most up to date statistics paint the same picture, it might be better or worse than human driver, depends on who created the write up. I believe that in order to get to “good” status you have to be unequivocally better

Do you think that Tesla’s Autopilot is to the “good” phase yet? I really don’t. The autopilot reduces some risk in some situations and increases others in other situations. It really isn’t to the point that you could call it good yet. I suspect that additional data and awesome programming could get it to “good”, but

Were they good?

BBQ Jackfruit can be quite tasty. I think people forget that like all fruit, it matters where you get it. If you get it fresh in Thailand, it is going to taste way better than from the store in North Dakota. Maybe you don’t hate jackfruit, you just hate stale jackfruit.

Some flavors mesh well with frying and some do not. Kale is rather yummy in fried foods if you ask me.

That is a strangely fun song to listen to. Let’s make it happen, I have two follower on twitter, and if they let each of their two followers know, we can get bacon pancakes trending within hours.

In this case, the shop owner closed his store for a bit, and the public gave him hundreds of thousands of dollars. It was a good monetary decision for him.

Weighted blankets are great, lots of friends and family swear by them. My peeps usually just make them. Is $86 really a good deal? Seems like a lot to me.

Weighted blankets are great, lots of friends and family swear by them. My peeps usually just make them. Is $86

Ok, is this one of those things where younger people hear Yanny because they can hear higher registers, and older farts hear Laurel because they can’t hear good?

I only hear Laurel on this page, but I came to this page after hearing yanny on a cell phone speaker. Why is it changing?

The first time I heard the term cornhole, it was not about the game, but something obscene. So even when people talk about the game, my mind is going a different place.

I don’t know much about Dr. Cone, but I have always thought of him as a reactionary racist. In reaction to all the racism from whites proclaiming they were best and all others inferior, it seems like Dr. Cone was saying that Blacks were best and all others inferior. Just because your racism swings the pendulum in the